The Beginner’s Guide to Reiki Training

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Beginner's Guide to Learning Reiki

Want to Learn Reiki?

Interested in learning Reiki? Here’s a handy beginner’s guide, which includes everything you need to know to be informed and get started:

Can anyone learn Reiki?

I get asked this question a lot and I can relate: I really wasn’t sure when I signed up for my first Reiki class years ago. The short answer is yes, each of us has a natural healing ability. Sometimes people feel overwhelmed or worried by this, while others aren’t sure where to start. Taking classes offers a structure and foundation to build on this ability.

There are 3 levels of Reiki training: beginning, intermediate, and advanced (or Reiki I, II, and III). Learning Reiki is a deeper experience than receiving a Reiki session because it allows you to take your healing into your own hands (literally) with a daily mindfulness practice.

Read on to find out more about learning Reiki.

What are the benefits of taking a Reiki class?

When you take a Reiki Level I class, you’ll learn about the 5 Reiki precepts, or principles to live by. These principles offer advice and a path to help us let go of anger and worry, to be true to ourselves, and to show compassion.

We can understand this advice intellectually, but learning Reiki offers us a way to go beyond this and embody the precepts through the hands on healing, meditation techniques, symbols and mantras (learned in Reiki II), and attunements.  Imagine the benefits you would experience if you were less angry and fearful, and felt calmer and more centered, no matter what stress you encountered in your life.

Read on to find out more about the benefits of incorporating the precepts into your life.

But can’t I just learn Reiki online?

While technology has its benefits, there are pros and cons to both learning Reiki online versus at an in-person training such as:

• Practicing giving Reiki sessions with the supervision and feedback of the teacher and fellow students.
• Giving Reiki during an in-person class allows for physical touch, which helps you trust that that the energy is flowing. For most students, this trust often develops over time with practice.
• Receiving attunements in person (vs. online) can be reassuring to our linear mind. Students are more or less sensitive to energy, and having the physical presence of the teacher in front of them during this spiritual blessing often sets the mind at ease that something is happening.

Read more about the benefits (especially if you’re considering offering Reiki professionally).

How can I find a qualified Reiki teacher?

There are many different types of Reiki classes available, and you want to find the right one for you. Questions to consider as you’re looking for a qualified teacher include:

  • How long was the teacher’s own training and how long has s/he been teaching?
  • Do they have a daily Reiki self care and meditation practice?
  • How long is the class and is certification available?
  • Does the teacher offer ongoing support through practice nights and advanced training?

Read more to find out how to find a qualified teacher and make an informed decision that’s right for you.

How can Reiki impact every aspect of your life?

My daily Reiki practice has improved my life in so many different ways (and it continues to!). Over time here’s what I noticed:

  • positive changes in a chronic health condition
  • the ability to let go of a negative relationship pattern in my dating life
  • more clarity around how to make a career transition
  • the ability to better handle my finances
  • better time management
  • an increase in my creativity as a writer


Read on to find out more about my personal journey with Reiki, as well as one student’s feedback on what she noticed in her own life, and open up to some possibilities of how Reiki can transform your own life in a positive and powerful way.

Want to gain insight from past Reiki students? Here’s more about learning Reiki from the student’s perspective:

A yoga teacher and busy mom of three discovered that less is more when it comes to Reiki.

And another student connected to her own inner wisdom after learning to give herself a daily 10-minute Reiki treatment.

Find out how learning Reiki helped one student deal with a break up.

The practice of Reiki helped another student manage her ego (no easy task!).

Ok, I signed up for my first Reiki class, what should I do to set my expectations?

Here are the elements that are usually covered in a Reiki Level 1 class:

  • Discuss what is Reiki and the history of Reiki
  • Receive 4 attunements, or spiritual blessings (also known as Reiju)
  • Learn a Reiki self-care protocol
  • Discuss the Reiki precepts, or principles to live by
  • Discover Reiki meditations to focus the mind and center yourself
  • Learn a Reiki chair protocol to use with friends and family


To get the most out of your class, have an open mind and commit to practicing the Reiki self care protocol for a minimum of 21 days. Notice any little changes such as how you sleep, how you feel when you wake, your energy levels, and your ability to focus and respond to stressful situations.

Read on for more tips to help you prepare for class.

Want more? Here’s a bonus:

Here’s a Pinterest board I created all about learning Reiki.

Best of luck as you begin your Reiki journey, and here’s a tip from my first Reiki teacher. She always used to say: “Your hands are smarter than your head!” Wise words….

Want to experience distance healing for yourself?

I work with high-achieving women all over the world through my virtual one-on-one Soul-Powered Breakthrough Program and we’ll use Distance Reiki, Tao Hands quantum healing, and Hypnosis as part of my intuitive, multidisciplinary approach.

If you’re ready to STOP feeling stressed and anxious, and finally move your life forward, tap here to get started.

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