What Can Reiki Help Me With?
When I think back to when I took my first Reiki class over 8 years ago, I had no idea it would change my life so dramatically. (And I definitely didn’t think I would be a Reiki teacher and practitioner.)
I can truly say it has improved (and continues to improve) every aspect of my life.
Some examples of all the ways receiving Reiki sessions, as well as my daily Reiki self-practice helped me make positive changes include:
- Health: I overcame an “incurable” thyroid diagnosis.
- Relationships: I was able to finally change some long-held negative relationship patterns and meet someone who is perfect for me. (I love you, JT! And no, that doesn’t stand for Justin Timberlake!)
- Career: I made a huge career transition and found fulfilling work I truly love.
- Finances: I found myself spending and needing less.
- Time: I stopped rushing from one thing to the next, and even started arriving on time.
- Creativity: I started writing and publishing my poems after a long hiatus, and have a book coming out next year.
Now this list isn’t something that magically changed the day after my first Reiki I class. And there have definitely been ups and downs, because life isn’t a straight line. But being able to have a simple way to take care of myself by giving myself Reiki each day has been profound. I always knew meditation was good for me, but found it so difficult to stick to a daily practice–Reiki was just the thing.
Reiki is a great way to manage stress and promote healing for yourself and your loved ones. It’s easy to learn and practice and you literally have the ability to heal yourself with your own hands 24/7. People often ask me what to expect from taking a Reiki class and I tell them about 5 major benefits.
Need support? Book a Distance Reiki session no matter where you are in the world. Bonus: Include Tao Hands Soul Healing in your session for added benefits.