Top Questions to Ask to Find a Qualified Reiki Teacher

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Top questions to find a qualified Reiki teacher

How to Find The Best Reiki Teacher for You

There are many different types of Reiki classes offered and it can be hard to know what to look for to find the best class and teacher for you.

Read on to find out the top questions to ask to find a qualified Reiki teacher. I’ll give you the evaluation criteria to look for to make an informed decision.

1.  How long was the Reiki teacher’s training, and how long has the teacher been teaching?

Reiki trainings range anywhere from 1-2 days to a year or more (see more on this below). When training takes place over a longer period of time, there’s more of an opportunity to integrate what is taught, ask questions, and practice. The length of time the teacher has been teaching can be an indication of a breadth of experience, and hopefully a level of comfort dealing with the material being taught.

2.  How long is the class?

Training for each level varies depending on the teacher. Some classes are held for 1 or 2 days, while others are spread out over several months or even a full year. By having the training spread out over time, you’ll be able to practice between class and integrate what you learn, making Reiki a daily habit. This will also give you the opportunity to ask questions with the support of the teacher, fellow students, and classroom setting.

3.  Is there a certification process?

Some teachers offer a certificate of completion just for attending the class. Other teachers offer optional certification requirements which may include things like practicing self care, giving and receiving a certain number of sessions, and completing a written assignment. The opportunity to fulfill certification requirements after the class concludes offers a structure to help you integrate what you learned in class into your daily life.

4. Do you feel comfortable with the teacher?

This is a question to ask yourself. You want to feel comfortable and at ease with the teacher, and hopefully supported and inspired! Trust and a sense of rapport with your teacher is vital.

5. Does the teacher have a professional Reiki practice?

Receiving Reiki sessions from the teacher can give you a lot of insight because the way they practice will influence their teaching. Especially since learning Reiki is all about working with energy, receiving Reiki sessions can offer valuable support and guidance.

Many Reiki certifications require students to receive Reiki from more than one practitioner to help you learn about the work from the inside out. This direct experience also helps you heal and transform yourself, and in turn this will help magnify your Reiki healing abilities when working professionally or with loved ones. (I regularly receive sessions from my long-time teachers and personally think it is vital to being an effective healer.)

6. Does the teacher offer ongoing training and/or practice nights?

Traditionally, there are 3 levels of Reiki training: beginner, intermediate, and advanced–Reiki I,  Reiki II, and Reiki III (Reiki Master) classes. If the teacher offers all 3 levels of the system of Reiki, it can provide continuity if you decide to continue your study of Reiki and indicates a teacher well-versed in teaching advanced levels. This could be important if you are considering becoming a professional practitioner.

Practice nights, sometimes called Reiki Circles, give students the chance to continue to practice what they’ve learned after their Reiki class has finished. If you like a sense of community and the chance to get ongoing feedback, this might be especially important for you.

7. Does the teacher include business training or resources as part of their Reiki Master level III program?

If you’re interested in becoming a professional Reiki practitioner and starting your own solopreneur wellness business, you’ll likely need training on the business side of practice building. I put together this list of 10 things I’d wish I’d known when I started my healing arts business. I wrote Building a Powerful Practice: Successful Strategies for Your Wellness Business to give new wellness practitioners an easy, how-to guide to help you set up your Reiki business.

8. What is the teacher’s personal practice? Do they meditate and practice self-Reiki on a daily basis?

Practicing daily Reiki self care and meditation is key to the system of Reiki. The more a teacher works on her or his own healing, the more s/he will have to offer you as the student.

To find answers to some of these questions, check out the Reiki teacher’s website. You might want to ask other questions by phone, in an email, or in person.

Whether you become a Reiki practitioner or not, regularly receiving Reiki sessions is a wonderful resource for self care.

Book a session if you could use support with a particular challenge, or need a dose of energy healing. I work with clients all over the world using Distance Reiki. Also. some of my clients have studied Reiki and have questions that come up about their Reiki practice. You can let me know if you have any questions about Reiki practice as part of your session.

I hope this article helps you find a qualified Reiki teacher so you can best enjoy the benefits of learning Reiki and taking your healing into your own hands. Good luck!

Did you miss this post about if anyone can learn Reiki?

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