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Kuan Yin Quantum Healing Session

Embrace the transformative power of Kuan Yin Quantum Healing sessions. These soul-deep treatments access the quantum field, reaching to the root cause to release negative information that may be holding you back.

Kuan Yin

What Kinds of Issues Can Kuan Yin Quantum Healing Sessions Help Me With?

Kuan Yin 1,000 Hands

Kuan Yin quantum healing sessions are best reserved for major challenges such as:

  • Critical physical, mental, or emotional conditions
  • Relationship issues
  • Self-Love
  • Career or finances
  • Life purpose or spiritual goals


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What Kind Of Kuan Yin Blessings Are Available?

Kuan Yin Goddess of Compassion

There are 2 kinds of Kuan Yin Quantum Healing blessings available:

Kuan Yin Lineage Holder Crown Chakra Blessing
(also known as Kuan Yin Lineage 1,000 Hands, 1,000 Eyes Transmission)

A crown chakra blessing is a very sacred experience. The Kuan Yin Lineage Holder acts as a conduit for Kuan Yin’s high vibrational love and light to come through the crown of the recipient’s head, clearing the 7 energy chakras and meridians, and going to the area of their request for healing.

1,000 means infinite. 1,000 hands/eyes from multiple spiritual beings in the universe or heavenly realms come through as the lineage holder acts as a channel for the spiritual healing.

Kuan Yin Crystal Fa Qi Mala Blessing
A Fa Qi is a spiritual treasure which helps bring higher dimension power to the 3rd dimension on Mother Earth. A mala is a strand of beads used during meditation to keep count. Malas have been used for thousands of years in many different religious traditions.

This very special mala has 108 beads and can be used to clears and balances the 7 energy chakras, as well as being used for spiritual healing in an a specific area of your life. This offers incredible power to the Crown Chakra or 1,000 Hands/1,000 Eyes Blessings and can be added to your session for an additional honor fee. This is the highest level of healing I offer.

Can Kuan Yin Sessions Be Done Virtually? How Does It Work?

woman receiving a Kuan Yin Quantum Healing blessing

Kuan Yin quantum healing sessions can be done remotely and don’t involve physical touch.

You will start by discussing with me what you want the Kuan Yin blessing to support.

Before the Kuan Yin blessing, I’ll guide you through a progressive relaxation and meditation to help you feel centered and calm. As part of this, I’ll offer a powerful chakra balancing (balancing the 7 energy centers in the body), specifically focused on your request. The more relaxed you are, the easier it is to be open and to receive the blessing.

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How Many Sessions Does It Take?

Because everyone changes differently, and various conditions and issues have varying levels of negative information or blockages, I will give you a personal recommendation.

What Can I Do To Maximize The Effects Of The Kuan Yin Quantum Healing Session?

woman receiving distance healing Kuan Yin blessings

While it’s not necessary, here are some options to create a healing environment for yourself by:

  • Meditating or praying beforehand
  • Setting your intention
  • Playing calming music
  • Journaling in advance or after the session
  • Taking a nap afterwards to allow for deeper integration

I will follow up with you by email after your session with recommendations of things to notice and ways to optimize the positive effects of your Kuan Yin quantum healing session.

Here are additional ways to make the most of your soul healing wellness session.

Where Can I Find More Information About Quantum Healing?

Here are more resources:


If you’ve been trying to make a change on your own in your career (or the rest of your life!) but it hasn’t happened yet, I’m here to help–because having the support of a guide will get you there faster & easier.

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Discover How My Soul-Powered Method Changed the Lives of These High-Achieving Women

My back pain recovery was very different from normal. The pain lasted a couple more days, but the peak pain was nowhere near as painful as it usually gets when I throw my back out. More importantly, during my recovery I had a deep emotional realization which helped me not take a major work setback personally. This was quite profound.

The Kuan Yin Quantum Healing felt like a deep quiet centering even though my day was very anxious. At the end of the session, I shifted, the lowest part of my back made a deep crack which signified how much more relaxed my muscles felt. The pain reduced from a 6 to zero.


I’ve been dealing with 3 weeks of a severe illness with major breathing issues, extreme fatigue, and a heavy and cluttered mind full of fear and worry. I went from a 10 where I felt hopeless and couldn’t do anything but lie down, to a 3 or a 4 after I received the Kuan Yin blessing. I feel like I was brought back to life.

I have so much more energy and was able to eat a snack and drink some tea (I hadn’t been able to eat anything before). I even found myself singing–I love to sing so if I start singing I know I’m feeling better! I knew the session would help me, but I didn’t expect such a dramatic effect from the Kuan Yin blessing; it was the first time I experienced it and wow!


I received a Kuan Yin blessing for depression, which I’ve struggled with off and on throughout my life. Immediately after the blessing I felt a deep peace and felt a huge shift.

I now feel lighter and much more positive. I’ve received Kuan Yin blessings before and noticed that each one is quite distinctive and powerful in different ways.


Receiving the Kuan Yin blessing is what really helped me in terms of my recovery after being very sick. I noticed a big difference right away–I’m feeling much more mentally alert and motivated.

And I finally had enough strength to be able to go downstairs after being holed up in my condo for a month! Thank you.


Featured in Oprah Magazine

Burned out by an all-consuming job, Deborah Flanagan found balance and peace through the healing arts — and now she's helping others do the same.

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