
What if you could stress less & feel confident?

Welcome! I’m Deborah Flanagan and I guide high-acheiving women using my Soul-Powered Method so that you can get unstuck and banish anxiety as you take your career (and the rest of your life) to the next level.

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Deborah Flanagan

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Available Offerings

I work one-on-one with high-achieving women from around the world through my virtual Soul-Powered Breakthrough Program. I also offer digital Soul Healing Events & Recordings.

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Soul Healing Events

Digital Soul Healing Events focus on common client challenges, integrating Distance Reiki | Hypnosis | Guided Meditation | & Self Care Tools in a unique virtual live format.

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Soul Healing Recordings

Soul Healing Recordings offer a unique combination of Distance Reiki, Hypnosis, & Guided Meditation around the most often requested issues to help you transform.

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Distance Reiki

Distance Reiki is an energy healing technique from Japan meaning “transcendent life force.” The practice guides this “Ki,” or energy, that is a part of every living thing.

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Hypnosis (Hypnotherapy) is a focus of attention and quieting of the conscious mind. This focus offers peaceful inner awareness and the ability to relax deeply. Past Life Regression is a technique under the umbrella of Hypnosis.

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Tao Hands

Tao Hands is a powerful quantum healing technique. Source Light Hands, invisible to the naked eye but visible to the third eye (spiritual eye), they carry Source soul, energy and matter, which can transform the frequency and vibration of the recipient’s soul, heart, mind, and body.

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Kuan Yin Quantum Healing

Kuan Yin sessions are a powerful quantum field treatment to release negative information at the deepest level, or root cause at the level of the soul. This is the highest form of soul healing sessions I offer.

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Bach Flower Essences

Flower Essences are a vibrational natural healing system that can subtly yet powerfully bring the emotions into balance.

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Man on couch meditating with headphones on

Upcoming Soul Healing Event
Unstoppable Motivation: Fired Up & Focused

Unstoppable Motivation: Fired Up & Focused

Wednesday, October 23, 2024, 7:30pm EDT

This virtual event will boost your motivation so that you stop procrastinating, accomplish what you need to do, and feel inspired by those challenges that used to hold you back.

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I’m Deborah Flanagan, and I established the Center for True Health in New York City in 2008.

As a quantum healer & hypnotist with a unique intuitive approach, I’ve helped thousands of women from around the world over the past 15+ years break free and live confidently.

I created my Soul-Powered Method because I believe that by connecting with your spiritual self, whatever that means to you, you’ll be able to magnify your presence, which ultimately empowers you to make a greater impact as you take your career (& the rest of your life!) to the next level.

I’m happy you’re here!

Keep Reading Deborah's Story
Collage of images, one girl on laptop, one woman doing a handstand

Featured in Oprah Magazine

Burned out by an all-consuming job, Deborah Flanagan found balance and peace through the healing arts — and now she's helping others do the same.

Read Deborah's Story
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