Tips for Your Reiki Practice

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Tips for your Reiki Practice

How To Strengthen Your Reiki Practice

It’s lightly snowing as I write this, with the sun setting as night falls: the quietness of the snow so beautiful and peaceful. Similar to the way Reiki self care feels to me when I place my hands on my body: my mind centers and I feel calm. How about you?

I’m in the middle of teaching Reiki I and it’s such a good group of students—asking deep questions and moving outside their comfort zone as they think about energy, meditation, and self care in new ways.

Read on for simple tips for your Reiki practice.

Learning Reiki online?

I recently wrote a blog post about the pros and cons of learning Reiki online. Technology definitely has a place in learning, but is it the right place to learn Reiki?

A Simple Grounding Technique

This made me laugh. Reflexology teacher Sue Ricks gives her clients a super quick grounding technique.
Ready, for this? Squeeze your butt for one minute.

It definitely moves your energy from your head down into your lower torso, helping you feel more centered. Try it!

Forest Bathing

In Japan, shinrin-yoku is the practice of “forest bathing” — immersing yourself in the environment of the forest for relaxation. The Washington Post declared forest bathing the latest stress-reducing trend in the U.S.

A friend and fellow Reiki teacher from Japan told me people in Japan will go to a place in nature like a forest or a park and say, “Oh, there’s so much Reiki here.” They aren’t referring to the Reiki System of  Natural Healing, rather they are referring to the meaning of Reiki—spiritual life force energy.

So many of my clients and students who deal with anxiety or depression notice how much better they feel when they spend time in nature. If you live in New York City, you get extra credit because nature is a little harder to find.

A Native American client once told me she connects to nature in the midst of the concrete of the city by looking up at the sky. Isn’t that expansive? How can you incorporate being in nature into your life more?

The Most Important Thing To Remember with Reiki

Remember it only takes a moment to place your hands on yourself, breathe deeply and get back to your Reiki practice.

Need support?

I work with high-achieving women all over the world through my virtual one-on-one Soul-Powered Breakthrough Program and we’ll use Distance Reiki, Hypnosis, and Tao Hands as part of my intuitive, multidisciplinary approach.

If you’re ready to STOP feeling stressed and anxious, and finally move your life forward, tap here to get started.

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