Learning Reiki [Or How To Set Your Expectations]

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My First Reiki Class

My First Reiki Class

So you’ve signed up to take your first Reiki class (otherwise known as Reiki I or Reiki First Degree) or you’re considering learning Reiki. Wondering about how to you set your expectations?

Below is a list of each element covered in a typical Reiki I class, as well as tips to make learning Reiki as positive an experience as possible.

1. What is Reiki?

A big question and one you’ll discuss probably at the very beginning of class. Want a sneak peak? Here’s a brief description of Reiki.

2. Receive 4 attunements (Reiju)

Attunement, also known as Reiju, initiates a shift in your energy. It’s a technique the teacher performs to create a space where the student’s healing and connection can take place.

3. Reiki Self Treatment

You’ll be able to practice Reiki on yourself after just the first class, learning a 15-minute protocol you can use morning and/or evening. (This is usually a highlight!)

4. Reiki Precepts

The precepts offer a guide to the way you live your life, and serve as the foundation for the system of Reiki.

5. Reiki History

Learn about the founder of the system of Reiki and the two people who helped bring this practice to the West.

6. Meditations

Discover meditations which will help calm, center, and ground you to prepare yourself to give Reiki, or to use independently.

7. Reiki Chair Protocol

Learn a 15-minute protocol to give Reiki to friends or family. This mini session takes place with the friend or family member seated in a chair.  (Often friends and family are eager and interested to try Reiki once they find out you’re taking a class.)

Having an open mind, as you learn this simple, yet powerful practice is ideal. Reiki classes are usually quite experiential and interactive, as opposed to a more intellectual, lecture-based format. This will give you the opportunity to take what you learn and make it your own.

Notice how you feel following the class, noting any little changes, such as feeling a little clearer or more relaxed. Pay attention to how you sleep, and how you feel when you wake. Get plenty of rest and water to help support your body and you begin to work with energy in a new way.

And most importantly, have fun! I think a little humor and laughter is a sign of a good class. Set your intention to connect with the people in your class (they could be potential people to practice Reiki with after the class ends and a nice support system). Enjoy learning Reiki as a new and powerful way to help you take better care of yourself.

Want to find out more? Read on to discover if anyone can learn Reiki and how to find a qualified Reiki teacher.

Try This

Whether you study Reiki or not, receiving Reiki sessions regularly is a wonderful way to support yourself and balance your energy.

Book a session if you could use support with a particular issue, or just need a dose of relaxation. I serve clients internationally with virtual sessions and Soul Healing Events & Recordings. Many clients who are learning Reiki sometimes have questions about it, so as part of your session we can discuss your daily Reiki practice if you like.

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