Learning Reiki: A Student Connects to Her Inner Wisdom

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Learning Reiki: A Student Connects to Her Inner Wisdom

Learning Reiki: A Student Connects to Her Inner Wisdom

Here’s what Lindsay Lee, a recent Reiki I and Reiki II graduate (and mother-to-be), said about learning to give herself a daily 10-minute Reiki treatment and how she felt after taking the class.

Going Within: The Power of Self Care

By the end of the Reiki I class and practicing what I learned, I discovered how deeply profound it is to slow down and connect to my inner being. I have all the tools, wisdom, and knowledge in my body. Self-care is the beginning of everything!

I feel different since the class. There has been a shift, a subtle transformation. I feel open, lighter, and more engaged. It was an intimate class and we covered a lot of material. I can’t wait to further my Reiki studies.

Getting a Reiki Session: The Body Speaks

I noticed the effects of receiving Reiki from a professional Reiki practitioner took place over a couple of days. The treatment felt like a much more communicative session between my body and the practitioner. My body felt so vocal.

I liked the verbal communication during my session as well. It made my mind and body feel more connected to each other and more wholesome.

Giving a Reiki Session: Connecting With Another Person

When I practiced giving Reiki chair sessions to other people, I discovered I need to be more present with the person I am giving the session to, more aware. I found that I was closing my eyes a lot in the beginning, and really I need to be aware of what’s happening with the person receiving the session.

Reiki is very much an energetic give and take. I have noticed that the more I self practice using the Reiki self care protocol, the more in tune I feel, being able to notice other peoples’ energies when I give them a Reiki session.

Reiki Take Away

Although I never had a Reiki session before taking the Reiki Level 1 course, it intuitively felt like the right move for me. The Reiki class was super thorough. I found the Reiki precepts, dry bathing, and gassho techniques incredible ways to ground myself.

I’m excited to continue practicing what I learned! Since the class, I’m beginning to reconnect with myself and with my inner peace and strength.


Interested in learning more about Reiki? Here’s a Beginner’s Guide to Learning Reiki.

Need support? Schedule a Distance Reiki session, no matter where you are in the world.

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