Soul-Powered Breakthrough Program
Because you’re here, I know you’re looking for the RIGHT SOLUTIONS tailored for your unique situation…

Woman sitting on sofa smiling looking at laptop

I created my Soul-Powered Method because I believe that by connecting with your spiritual, or best self, whatever that means to you, you’ll be able to trust yourself and finally feel calm and empowered, no matter what the situation…

My Soul-Powered Breakthrough Program is the result of over 15 years of experience working with thousands of women like you to give you a unique and potent journey.

Using my multidisciplinary approach, we’ll get to the heart of what’s stressing you out so that you can be and feel your absolute best.

Scroll down to explore the benefits of the different holistic methods I’ll use in your one-on-one virtual Soul-Powered Breakthrough Program.

What if you could embody calm confidence without having to fight against anxiety or self-doubt?

I’m ready my breakthrough!

Discover How My Soul-Powered Method Changed the Lives of These High-Achieving Women

One of the most incredible experiences – Deborah has had such a profound impact on my well being – I’d recommend her to anyone. I worked with her on a specific phobia that was embarrassingly prohibiting me from certain things in life. With her help, not only am I over my phobia, but she also helped me with a much smaller fear of flying.

The other wonderful side effect from our work together is that I feel generally relaxed and calm – I haven’t experienced the feelings of anxiety or stress in the same way since seeing her. I cannot recommend her enough!


Deborah’s intuitive discoveries and responses are spot-on. There is really a soul-restoring quality to her sessions, and doing it virtually has a startlingly deep effect.

I have checked in with Deborah over the years, and the experience is always one of profound healing, but also I take away a sense of how to continue to find relief as I move forward. She makes the sessions fun, and her never-judgmental personality and ease is such a comfort. I especially like that she knows how to have a client rest in whatever place she or he happens to be, rather than talk someone toward a “better” attitude. Highly recommend.

Katherine V.

I am eternally indebted to, and grateful for, Deborah. After an incredible challenging life experience, I struggled with recurring intrusive images and sought an additional modality to accompany traditional talk therapy. Deborah was perceptive, generous, dynamic, and unfailingly kind. I gained so much from our work together, and hope many others do, too!

Thank you for your insight and wisdom, as always! You are such an angel, and I am so grateful for our work together.


I just wanted to say that my adult daughter LOVES you and feels she has received more out of her one session with you than with all her other therapy and other “stuff” combined – she can’t stop talking about you and that you actually LISTENED to her. I think her optimism and immediate connection to you are going to help her so much in having a successful outcome.

She is doing the EFT and loves that you didn’t force breathing exercises on her – she never has done “at home exercises” from therapists and she is totally doing this one. WOW! Thanks so much!


I’m feeling more aligned, peaceful, and happier than I’ve been in months. After every session I feel stronger, have better boundaries, and am able to communicate in effective ways. I have more clarity and compassion while cultivating self-respect and self-love.

We do virtual sessions via Zoom and they are extremely powerful. I love being able to process our work together in the comfort of my own home.


I’ve worked with Deborah for several years and it’s beeen potent and powerful.

I love her multidisciplinary approach and I feel deep shifts in my body and energy after each time we meet. Deborah is very attentive and calming, and gives so much helpful information as well as different flower essences to work with. The virtual sessions are so nice because I can rest on my bed after the sessions!

Yaz Q.

I first came to Deborah about 4 years ago after failing my board certification exam, desperate to regain the confidence I needed to go back and take the exam a second time.
I was able to reframe my mindset and find faith in my own abilities. My time with her was invaluable, and an essential part of my eventual success.

I still work with Deborah from time to time whenever I feel I need to do some deeper work to resolve an issue i’m having, and I always walk away with insight, motivation and inner peace. Deborah is attentive, intuitive and engaging. I highly recommend working with her!


Reiki Hands Icon

Distance Reiki

Distance Reiki reduces stress related to a wide range of physical, mental, and emotional issues. It balances and shifts your energy, activates your innate healing abilities, and connects you to your inner wisdom.

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Woman laying with head on pillow and eyes closed during a Distance Reiki healing virtual session
Hypnosis Icon


Online Hypnosis helps you change your mind for the better—to gain clarity, release negative thoughts and behaviors, and access inner resources and wisdom, so that you can pay attention to what’s most important. It can be a powerful tool for stress relief, allowing the mind to quiet and focus. Past Life Regression is one of many Hypnosis techniques.

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Woman laying with head on pillow, eyes closed with earbuds in
Tao Hands Icon

Tao Hands

Tao Hands is a unique quantum healing technique which work at the level of the soul to transform any aspect of life including relationships, health issues, career or life purpose, confidence and self-love. Tao Hands directly address the root cause of the imbalance: the soul.

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Woman with headphones talking and using laptop
Kuan Yin Quantum Healing Icon

Kuan Yin Quantum Healing

Embrace the transformative power of Kuan Yin Quantum Healing sessions. These soul-deep treatments access the quantum field, reaching to the root cause to release negative information that may be holding you back.

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Kuan Yin
Flower Essences Icon

Bach Flower Essences

Flower Essences can help gently balance your emotions, alleviating negative feelings such as anxiety, sadness, frustration, impatience, and self-doubt. They are easy to use and apply for yourself.

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Featured in Oprah Magazine

Burned out by an all-consuming job, Deborah Flanagan found balance and peace through the healing arts — and now she's helping others do the same.

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