What’s the #1 Question Clients Ask Me About Reiki?

Woman lying on sofa reading laptop

What Did You Pick Up During My Session?

This is a very juicy question! I mean, who doesn’t want to get deep insight and wisdom after a session? Especially because we live in such a world of uncertainty, it would be wonderful to receive guidance and a feeling of reassurance.

I get asked this question from clients at least once a week. Unfortunately, it’s not quite that straightforward.

“Be patient towards all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now.”
–Rainer Maria Rilke

Trust Yourself

I don’t answer this question for many reasons. In response to clients’ questions, “what did you pick up or notice?” I respond with, “Well, it’s not about me, what did you feel?”

I explain that sometimes my intuition isn’t always correct, and in fact, it can limit and sidetrack you from connecting with the Reiki energy. Connecting to this is far more powerful than anything I could say.

Reiki helps engage our inner resources; the answers we seek already lie within: we don’t need to go outside ourselves. It’s more enlightening to hear what you discover during a session–you have the answers you’re asking me.

This ties in with the system of Reiki’s five precepts (or rules to live by): the third one is “Be true to your way and your being.” Being true to your way happens when you start trusting yourself.

I know it’s not always easy to trust yourself. Believe me, I can relate to wanting to get answers. For 12 years, I’ve been going to see one of my long-time teachers once a month. I think it’s only been in the past few years that I’ve stopped hanging on her every word, wanting to get some kind of divine guidance. It took me 7 or 8 years to realize that I need to connect to my own inner wisdom for answers. (Ok, so I was a slow learner!)

Try This

For the next week or so, notice times when you aren’t trusting yourself. Seize the day and take the plunge! And let me know if you want to focus on this in your next session.

Your Reiki Healing

Reiki helps balance and shift your energy, and this shift allows you to get in touch with yourself in a deep, profound way. As a Reiki practitioner, I don’t heal people. Rather, the Reiki session enhances your access to yourself, and the healing unfolds from this inner connectedness.

Need support? I offer Distance Reiki, Tao Hands, and Hypnosis sessions no matter where you live in the world. Book a session.

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