Making an investment in your physical health, mental and emotional well-being, and feeling aligned with your life’s purpose pays untold dividends.
When you’re at your best, this benefits everyone around you. For example, you’ll be resilient enough to support a loved one who might be struggling, you’ll be able to tackle a challenging project and work with greater clarity and creativity, or your immune system will be strong and able to fight off getting that cold or flu.
The Effects of Stress
I think we tend to discount how important addressing stress can be. According to the American Institute of Stress, 43% of adults suffer adverse health effects due to stress, and 75% to 90% of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress-related complaints or disorders.
In addition, I remember one of my Reiki teachers years ago saying it was better to deal with an issue now, even if it’s something uncomfortable or extra-challenging, than waiting to deal with it in 10 years’ time.
If you’ve ever ignored a health condition, you know firsthand that waiting to address a chronic issue only makes it worse. Not to mention that the treatment time is usually much longer than when you’re addressing an acute issue.
Getting regular wellness sessions helps you be proactive in your self care by reducing stress, and this also can help you save time and money over the long term.

Relaxation Response
Wellness sessions such as Distance Reiki, Tao Hands or Hypnotherapy help shift the body out of a fight-or-flight, sympathetic nervous system response, into a rest-and-digest, parasympathetic nervous system state.
When you feel stressed or overwhelmed, you’re in fight-or-flight mode, and that’s not going to help you effectively deal with whatever you need to address over the long term.
Parasympathetic mode is also called the Relaxation Response; this is the state that you need to cultivate so your body and mind can heal and rejuvenate. Rest-and-digest (how many of us have digestive issues that are exacerbated by stress?) is the state the body needs to be in to optimally repair, restore, and balance itself.
Frequently getting into this restorative state is key to longevity, boosts immunity, and helps you feel better able to cope with whatever life throws your way. (This is why we need to sleep every night!)