Wellness Tips & Tools For Challenging Times

Woman lying on sofa reading laptop

I compiled a list of my favorite wellness tips & tools, especially for challenging times. It’s lengthy so feel free to dip in and out.

Self-Care Tools

Now more than ever is a great time to make changes in your daily routine. Here are some simple ways to stay grounded and centered.

Book Recommendations
Have some extra time for reading? Here’s are some past book recommendations.

I just started reading this powerful book with healing meditations (includes online practice videos for healing the 5 elements in Chinese medicine, as well as the 7 chakras, and more).

Virtual Yoga 
DoYogaWithMe.com (these are recorded free classes)

Braco is offering additional free online healing. Many people have had remarkable results.

Flower Essences for Emotional Healing
Here’s a post by the lovely Rose Todd on what flower essences you may need in dealing with anxiety in challenging situations. (If you want a personalized recommendation we can discuss at your next session, just let me know.)

And Rose wrote a wonderful book: Simply Bach Flowers–it’s an excellent resource for beginners to learn about how to use Bach flower essences for emotional healing. (I did the full practitioner training with her and she knows her stuff!) You can purchase Bach flowers here.

and I’ve fallen in love with Lotuswei’s flower essences (This past week I’ve been using Fierce Compassion and Game Changer a lot).

Essential Oils for Immune Boosting
Eden’s Garden Fighting Five is budget friendly and high quality.

For Creativity
I love Susannah Conway’s love letters, and her free and paid courses.

A New Career in the Healing Arts
Many people are using this time to rethink their work. I wrote Building a Powerful Practice to help people making a career transition into the healing arts.

Improve Your Relationship With Money
I mentioned Sarah McCrum before; she had a very extraordinary experience that has given her a unique insight into what money really is and how it works.  Sarah shares the most surprising and beautiful characteristics of money that have already helped many people transform their business and their life (including me!).

woman meditating before distance healing session

A Powerful Healing Mantra
The Love Peace Harmony free app is a powerful healing mantra and one of my favorites. You can download it or play the app 24/7 (even on mute) to create a healing field in your home, office, etc.

One client is a first-year teacher for students with special needs. She’s been playing it in her classroom at very low volume and sent this feedback: “I love the music player! Some of my coworkers have come into my class and said ” it feels good in here.” One of my students who has autism said she ” feels comfortable here” and sometimes don’t want to go home at the end of the day.”

Hypnosis Recordings
Uncommon Knowledge offers an extended list of hypnosis downloads for a range of issues. While recordings aren’t able to be as personalized as a one-on-one hypnosis session, it can be helpful between sessions, and to prolong the effects of your one-on-one sessions. (My Dad even used one to help improve his golf game!)

I often hear 2 main concerns after a client’s first hypnosis session. Don’t be misled by these 2 signs.

Meditate with the Insight Timer
I love this free meditation app with hundreds of guided meditations, or simply use the timer. Join the 365 Days Together group and commit to a daily practice–even if it’s only for 1 minute a day, that counts. (They give you gold stars for meditating!) You can also listen to healing music; check out the Solfeggio frequencies for deep balancing of the brain.

Need support?

I work with high-achieving women all over the world through my virtual one-on-one Soul-Powered Breakthrough Program.

If you’re ready to STOP feeling stressed and anxious, and finally overcome a challenge and move your life forward, tap here to get started.


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