So how to improve your decision making skills with Hypnosis?
Hypnosis helps us use both parts of our brain, activating the sub-dominant hemisphere. This helps us access our intuition and creativity, as well as feel relaxed and more connected to ourselves.
How to Stop Second Guessing Yourself
Hypnosis also helps us reinterpret problems, noticing what is new and different. This is when the Aha moment happens, and we can come up with solutions we never even considered before.
While this is something we cultivate during your Hypnosis sessions, I also show you how to tap into your intuition through Self-Hypnosis tools you can use on your own to quickly relax and connect to your own inner resources, helping you easily make decisions and come up with creative solutions.
How Hypnosis Works
Hypnosis is an easy way to pay attention to your own internal resources using a state of focused awareness. If you have ever watched tv, experienced the zone state during running, or used a bedtime story to help a child get to sleep, you’ve experienced a trance state like the techniques used in Hypnotherapy.
Hypnosis can be a powerful tool to relax and release stress, so you can more easily cultivate a peaceful inner awareness and access all parts of your brain to solve the problem. So many clients have asked how to stop second guessing yourself and how to trust your intuition; Hypnosis is one my favorite ways to help with these issues.
Discover more about the ways Hypnosis works, what to expect, how to maximize the benefits, and how to avoid the most common misconceptions about Hypnotherapy.
What Should I Expect
Hypnosis for making better decisions is customized for your unique needs. You’ll bring to your sessions real-life examples of where you’ve had trouble making decisions and provide feedback on the ways you want to improve your decision making process.
I’ll show you Self-Hypnosis techniques tailored to your needs and learning style, so you can have techniques to use in daily life whenever you’re making decisions.