How to Handle Holiday Stress
As the end of the year approaches, I’ve been hearing a common theme from many of you—holiday stress, work deadlines, family stress, and a general feeling of not having enough time. Can you relate?
Here’s a quick read with some super simple, super effective stress-busting tips. The best part? They all take less than a minute to do!
The holidays are such a busy time of year, so all the more reason to keep it simple.
Try This
Show Gratitude
Think about all the things you’re thankful for. This is one of my favorite things to do when waiting in line, walking down the street, or getting ready to fall asleep at night, and it’s a great way to retrain your brain if you experience negative internal chatter.
So often clients tell me how they try to push that negative self-talk away, or try to turn it off. These strategies often make that voice louder, so thinking about things you’re grateful for simply gives your mind something else to think about. Over time this will become a habit.
Need additional help? Here’s one of my favorite tools for cultivating gratitude and overcoming negative thought patterns.
And I put together this list of unique meditation and self-hypnosis techniques you can use for fast relief.
Don’t Complain
At all (not even in your head!) for one day. See how it feels; you might notice you’re great at this already, or you might be surprised how often you complain without realizing it. (I’m guilty!)
This tip reminds me of a client who really likes thinking about the things she can refrain from doing, rather than focusing on what she thinks she should be doing to make positive changes in her life.
Stop Saying “Should”
Speaking of “should,” if you want to take things to the next level, avoid saying what you “should” do. This is also a good one to reduce holiday stress, because often we feel a lot of obligations to be, or do, or give a certain way.
The things we say and think hold an energetic frequency, just like our actions, so giving extra attention to our language is important.
Experiment & Be Creative
I put together this list, as well as several Pinterest boards to give you creative ideas to extend the effects of your wellness sessions. Whether you get a session or want rapid stress relief suggestions you can use right now, there are a lot of great ideas for you to choose from:
33 Easy ideas to create a daily stress relief self care routine
Extend the effects of your Hypnosis sessions
Extend the effects of your Reiki sessions
From going outside and touching something in nature; saying Gabby Bernstein’s mantra, “I choose to see peace instead of this;” or offering a compliment; experiment with these ideas and see what works for you to reduce your holiday stress.
Happy Holidays
I hope this helps you alleviate any holiday anxiety or depression (these holiday stress relief tips work on both!). Let me know what you notice over the days and weeks ahead.
Happy holidays and here’s to a wonderful new year where you feel more peaceful, calm, and balanced no matter what.
Still searching for that last-minute holiday gift? Why not give the gift of relaxation with a gift certificate?
It’s a click away and sure to bring some much-needed calm this season! Get one here.
Need personalized support? Book a virtual session no matter where you live, or join a Soul Healing Event or download a recording around the most popular themes.