Why Virtual Sessions Can Be More Potent

Woman lying on sofa reading laptop

woman receiving a virtual hypnosis and Distance Reiki session

Virtual Hypnosis and Distance Reiki sessions provide an opportunity to explore healing in an expanded way.

Virtual sessions take place in a liminal space. This is an in-between place, not here and not there, allowing for a greater sense of possibility, a threshold where your inner wisdom can bring you gifts you never envisioned before. It can help you trust yourself and go beyond the linear mind and the physical world, tapping into the interconnectedness of us all.

Many people are surprised to find no difference in the effectiveness and benefits, and many find them even more potent than in-person sessions for the following reasons.

Why Virtual Hypnosis & Distance Reiki Sessions Can Be More Potent:

  • Staying in the comfort of your own home. No need to leave your session and re-engage with the hectic energy of the city right away.
  • You have the option to take a nap and integrate the healing more deeply, similar to the final relaxation pose (Shavasana) at the end of yoga class.
  • It brings a high-level frequency and vibration into your home, offering a unique way to clear your physical space.
  • It sets aside the layer of personality for both you and me, allowing healing of your soul/heart/mind/body with less interaction/disruption from the analytical/linear mind.
  • I’m able to use additional powerful techniques and tools that I’m not able to use during in-person sessions.


While these benefits are primarily geared to Reiki sessions, many apply to hypnosis sessions as well. (Virtual hypnosis sessions are almost identical to in-person. Although one client did find it easier to share details of a challenge virtually rather than in-person. )

Just like with an in-person session, we can address an issue that you want to heal. To give you some examples, clients have been focusing on relationship issues; public speaking; reducing anxiety/stress, insomnia, and back pain; boosting immunity and confidence; and being more present and grounded.

What Virtual Session Options Do You Provide?

  • Option 1: Hypnosis via Zoom or phone.
  • Option 2: Hour Virtual Reiki/Tao Hands session
    This includes time for a consultation–we talk by phone or online first, do EFT (tapping) or other self-healing techniques, etc. and then do Reiki/Tao Hands healing.
  • Option 3: Virtual Reiki/Tao Hands: 30-minute session
    We speak more briefly about what you want the session to support, and then do Reiki/Tao Hands healing.

How Will I Know If The Distance Reiki Is Working?

I remember learning the Distance Reiki technique when I did my training years ago. I had a cold, so when we partnered up to practice the technique I asked for the session to help with this. We each went to different parts of the building where the training was taking place (so we would be “distant”). I was surprised to notice my congestion was alleviated, and I could breathe easier as a result of the virtual Reiki session.

When I was practicing using the Distance Reiki technique to get my certification, I used it with my next door neighbor who was experiencing intense back pain. He was pleased to notice the pain markedly lessened. Concrete, physical symptoms are a good way to trust Virtual Reiki because you can often measure the results right away.

A powerful and flexible way to take care of yourself.

You can read more about how Distance Reiki works, how to prepare, and what to expect, as well as how Virtual Hypnosis sessions work, how to prepare, and what to expect.

You can book here.

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