Why I’m Keeping my Soul Healing Services Virtual
For many people the past couple of years has required flexibility, creativity, and the ability to pivot given the circumstances of the pandemic. I’m so grateful to my many clients who were willing to be open and try something new as I navigated ways to best support you through this extraordinary time.
While there’s no discernable difference between in-person and online Hypnosis sessions, past life regression sessions, or Tao Hands sessions, virtual Reiki sessions are different (no massage table, for one!).
Many people don’t realize that Distance Reiki is a technique original to the system of Reiki when it was created in Japan in the 1920’s. To best explain what Distance Reiki is, how does Reiki work virtually, and what benefits you can expect, I put together Distance Reiki: The Beginner’s Guide to Distance Healing to learn more.
I was amazed how much the virtual session format allows me to offer and integrate more into all my soul healing sessions in a way that I wasn’t able to in person, and I’ve been pleased with the feedback of those of you who have been in-person clients (some for as many as 10+ years) when they switched over to virtual sessions.
Many clients have been pleasantly surprised to find no difference in the effectiveness and benefits, and many have found online healing services more potent than in-person sessions for the following reasons.