An Easy Way to Strengthen Your Intuition

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Listen to Your Intution Louise Hay

An Easy Way To Listen To Your Intuition

Last week, one of my Reiki students sent me an email asking about the affirmation/oracle cards we used at the beginning of class. She wanted to get a set of her own to use in conjunction with giving Reiki sessions to friends and family.

It got me thinking about how these kind of cards are such an easy, yet powerful way, to connect with your intuition.

My sister gave me a set by Louise Hay, called Power Thought Cards, and I use them almost every day. It’s a quick way to tap into my intuition.

Read on to hear how you can use the cards, my favorite card deck recommendations, and a bonus way Reiki and hypnosis can help you connect with your intuition.

How To Use Affirmation/Oracle Cards

Here’s one way you can use the cards:

  • Shuffle the deck, and while you do so, take a deep breath to give yourself a moment to relax: a moment of meditation.
  • Ask yourself: “What do I most need to know in this moment?”
  • Or ask yourself a question where you need guidance and insight.
  • Pick a card and read it, without judgment, being open to receive whatever guidance you need.
  • You can leave the card out to reflect on throughout the day.

Using cards can be a concrete way to bypass your critical mind and tune into a deeper part of yourself, your intuition.

How Reiki, Tao Hands, & Hypnosis Can Help Strengthen Your Intuition

Reiki, Tao Hands, and Hypnosis work in a similar way, helping you engage your inner resources; the answers you seek already lie within. The more you use your intuition, the stronger it gets–it’s like a muscle.

Receiving sessions or taking a Reiki class enhances your access to yourself, and the healing unfolds from this inner connectedness, helping you trust yourself more.

What Cards Do I Recommend?

In addition to Louise Hay’s Power Thought Cards, I love Sonia Choquette’s Ask Your Guides and the Voyager Tarot card sets. There are so many options out there–explore and find ones that speak to you.

Try This

What are other ways you can build your connection with your intuition? Start paying attention to your intuition this week and see what you notice.

Need support?

I work with high-achieving women all over the world through my virtual one-on-one Soul-Powered Breakthrough Program and we’ll use Distance Reiki, Tao Hands, and Hyponsis as part of my intuitive, multidisciplinary approach.

If you’re ready to connect to your intuition, so that you can feel confident and calm, tap here to get started.

(And let me know if you want to pick a card at the beginning of your next session.)

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