What I Learned About Reiki From My 95-Year-Old Grandfather

Woman lying on sofa reading laptop

me and Granddaddy 070614

I was recently visiting with my grandfather. I love our talks: a retired professor of engineering, he always shares his perspective thoughtfully, and with humility and grace.

Words of Wisdom

I asked him about how he deals with uncertainty and worry. At 95 years old, I figured he would have some words of wisdom to share. He told me this story:

Five years ago, he was sitting at the bar of one of his favorite local restaurants; a young man sat down next to him and seemed eager to chat. A bit bluntly, he started the conversation by stating that he was an atheist, and asking my grandfather how old he was.

My grandfather tends to take things in stride, so he simply told the young man his age.

The young man then asked: “Aren’t you afraid of dying?”

My grandfather replied: “No, I don’t worry about things I can’t control.”

Easier said than done, but I’ve seen him apply this in his daily life.

Reiki Precepts

The system of Reiki offers precepts, or principles to live by. One of my favorite is:
Do not worry, fear is distraction.

It’s such a good reminder. After all, worry doesn’t do anything. If you can take action to help the situation, you’re doing something, you’re not just worrying about it. And if it’s out of your control, why worry about it, it’s distracting you from living your life.

I think this might be the secret to my grandfather’s longevity.

Reiki, can help you learn to worry less, feeling more centered and balanced in your life.

What’s one worry you can let go of today?

Need support?

I work with high-achieving women all over the world through my virtual one-on-one Soul-Powered Breakthrough Program and we’ll use Distance Reiki, Tao Hands, and Hypnosis as part of my intuitive, multidisciplinary approach.

If you’re ready to STOP feeling stressed and worried, so that you can feel confident and calm, tap here to get started.

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