Anxiety Relief: Embody Peace

Woman sitting on bed with laptop

The focus of this Soul Healing Recording is to help you if you want to:

  • Experience anxiety or stress
  • Find it hard to quiet you mind
  • Worry about things you can’t control
  • Frequently experience flight or fight response
  • Feel pressure or tension in the chest, abdomen, or throat
  • Want an affordable self-care option you can listen to again and again

Potential Benefits to Look For & Notice:

  • Grounded and centered
  • Calmer in your mind & body
  • Balanced in your emotions
  • Improved Sleep
  • Peaceful with a broader perspective

Time Stamps for the Recording:

[Time Stamp 19:20: Mini-Movement Exercise Snack]
[Time Stamp 24:53: Intention Setting]
[Time Stamp 26:00: Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT/Tapping)]
[Time Stamp 40:23: Deep Soul Healing ]

Bonus Soulwork:

Journal Prompts, Experiments, & Meditative Reflections:

Journal prompt:
Create a worry diary: Take 10 minutes or so each day to write down your worries, and then you’re done for the day. Here’s more info and back story on the Worry Diary!

25 Ways to Get Grounded:
Pick 1 or 2 things from this list to try to do regularly.

Create a Recipe to Take Good Care of Your Energy:
What are the little things you can do often to take care of your energy so anxiety doesn’t build and accumulate? Create your own daily or weekly “recipe” of ways to take good care of your energy. (Hint: You can experiment with the 25 Ways to Get Grounded and 35 Ways to Unplug from Too Much Screen Time to get ideas and make them your own.)

Free Weekly Meditation
I’ve been offering this live virtual weekly meditation for the past few years and it’s incredibly grounding (and a unique way to meditate!)

Try doing the Mini-Movement that we did together on a regular basis (see time stamp above) and/or try Donna Eden’s Daily 5-Minute Energy Routine.

Self-Healing Technique:
EFT Handout on how to do it, where to tap, and what to say.
More resources and FAQs on EFT to troubleshoot and refine.

Flower Essences for Anxiety Relief:

Here are some specific flower essence suggestions to support you with our theme:

Mimulus for specific worries you can name
Aspen for vague fears that feel generalized and hard to name
Rescue Remedy to alleviate extreme panic and fear, impatience wanting anxiety to stop. and to help you feel grounded and in control.
Larch for confidence
White Chestnut for anxious ruminating thoughts
Red Chestnut for feeling anxious about loved ones

Here’s an expanded FAQs on how to take flower essences, where to purchase, and more:
Info on Flower Essences

These are all options for integrating the Soul Healing. Pick 1 or 2, there’s no right or wrong way. Have fun!

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Burned out by an all-consuming job, Deborah Flanagan found balance and peace through the healing arts — and now she's helping others do the same.

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