Why Discomfort After A Session Is A Good Sign

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Woman on couch holding phone with headphones on

What to Expect After Your Reiki, Hypnosis or Tao Hands Session

People often feel great after a session. And the immediate effects can last for several days, especially if you consciously support the process.

But discomfort later that day, or over the next few days, can actually be a good thing. I know, I know, we want that instant gratification of feeling good, but sometimes our bodies respond differently.

Discomfort can mean the session is starting to move things in the body, helping it rebalance itself. Occasionally, people will notice an increase in symptoms the next day or so, followed by feeling much better.

What You Might Notice

You might notice heightened emotions, unusual dreams, change in sleep, or physical symptoms like a headache.

Now I don’t want to give you leading ideas about how you should feel. Everyone processes the changes following a session in different ways, and it varies from session to session, person to person.

Why 3 is the Magic Number

When you’re experiencing a lot after a session (either positive or negative), getting 3 sessions somewhat close together (every week or every other week) can be especially beneficial.

This helps you have a time frame to measure preliminary results from the sessions. And if you’re noticing changes, additional sessions will help continue the process, especially if you’re dealing with a specific issue, or chronic or acute condition.

And as always, I want to hear from you following a session, so I can provide support and feedback if you need it. And you can book here if you need support.

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