What to Look for After Your Sessions
Following any kind of holistic healing, your soul, heart, mind, and body continue to rebalance over the next few days, and even weeks, especially if you consciously supoprt the process.
Pay special attention to any little shifts or bigger changes related to the issue you focused on transforming, as well as more general changes such as:
For the Body
- More restful sleep
- More energy
- Reduction in swelling/pain
- A positive change in acute or chronic symptoms
For the Mind
- Improvement in mood/attitude
- Feeling calmer in stressful situations
- Having more focus or clarity
For the Heart
- More openness in the heart
- A decrease in depression or anxiety
- Increased self-compassion
- A stronger connection with others and the world around you
For the Soul
- A sense of peacefulness
- Feeling more grounded and centered
- Increased intuition
- A deeper alignment with your true self
- A connection to Spirit | God | the Universe | Mother Earth | or a Higher Power