Trust Yourself: Tapping Into Your Inner Guidance & Wisdom

Woman sitting on bed with laptop

The focus of this Group Soul Healing pop-up is to help you if you:

  • Often feel indecisive
  • Overanalyze minor or major decisions
  • Compare yourself to others
  • Feel disconnected from your intuition
  • Worry about past choices
  • Are a perfectionist or are hard on yourself
  • Find it hard to trust others
  • Want an affordable self-care option you can listen to again and again

Potential Benefits to Look For & Notice:

  • A greater sense of clarity
  • The ability to make decisions with more ease & confidence
  • Deeper self-trust & discernment when it comes to trusting others
  • More self-love & compassion
  • An enhanced connection to your intuition
  • An inner alignment with your own soul’s wisdom

Time Stamps for the Recording:

[Time Stamp: Mini-Movement Exercise Snack 9:58]
[Time Stamp: Intention Setting 15:26]
[Time Stamp: Balancing Breath Technique 18:58]
[Time Stamp: Deep Soul Healing 25:06]

Journal Prompts, Experiments, & Meditative Reflections:

Practice Trusting: brainstorm different situations or areas of your life where you can do this.

Create a list of 10 things that you can do to help you feel more embodied and connected to yourself. Possible ideas: plant something, walk in nature, listen to music, work with clay. Here are 25 more ideas.

Dance for 1 minute like no one is watching, let the music guide the body. You know what to do, have fun! Here’s a dance party playlist from one of my lovely clients.

Perform an Anointing Ritual: take a bath, create a soothing foot soak, use essential oils with massage oil or lotion on your feet or hands.

Balancing Breath Technique:

This yoga breathing technique balances the left and right sides of the brain. It’s great for quieting negative self-talk and reducing mental clutter.

  • Slowly inhale and exhale through the nose.
  • Inhale and exhale through the mouth.
  • Inhale nose, exhale mouth.
  • Inhale mouth, exhale nose
  • Do this for 3-7 minutes.

Flower Essences to Help You Trust Yourself:

Here are some specific flower essence suggestions to support you with our theme:

Larch for confidence, especially when you’re quite capable but it’s hard to move forward
Pine for being hard on yourself, being a perfectionist, and/or comparing yourself to others
Cerato for intuition and connecting inward rather than asking others what to do
Schleranthus for overanalyzing and feeling indecisive, going back and forth between two choices
Gentian if you’ve experienced a set back in the past, making it hard to trust yourself or others as a result

Here’s an expanded FAQs on how to take flower essences, where to purchase, and more:
Info on Flower Essences

These are all options for integrating the Group Soul Healing. Pick 1 or 2, there’s no right or wrong way. Have fun!

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Burned out by an all-consuming job, Deborah Flanagan found balance and peace through the healing arts — and now she's helping others do the same.

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