Nourish Yourself: Nurture What You Need

Woman sitting on bed with laptop

The focus of this Soul Healing Recording is to help you if you:

This virtual Soul Healing Event will help you take good care of yourself.

  • Feel out of balance in certain areas of your life
  • Suffer from being too busy with a never-ending To Do list
  • Put others first at the expense of yourself
  • Have habits or behaviors that serve as a substitute for true nourishment (food, alcohol, binge-watching, social media, etc.)
  • Feel disconnected or lonely
  • Find it hard to make time to do things that spark joy
  • Want an affordable self-care option you can listen to again

Potential Benefits to Look For & Notice:


  • Inspired to take good care of yourself
  • Able to release habits & behaviors that don’t nurture you
  • Confidently connected to what you truly need
  • Brighter and lighter
  • More centered and grounded
  • Balanced in your relationships with yourself & others

Time Stamps for the Recording:

[Time Stamp: 10:40 Mini-Movement Exercise Snack]
[Time Stamp: 16:48 Balancing Breath Technique]
[Time Stamp: 21:19 Intention Setting]
[Time Stamp: 24:34 Deep Soul Healing]

Bonus Soulwork

nourish and take care of yourself

Self-Healing Technique:

Balancing Breath Technique Handout

Journal Prompt, Musings, & Other Explorations:

Journal: What truly nourishes you? Write about the foods | people | work | past times that feel full of vitality and life force, that you enjoy, or think you might enjoy.

Expanding on this: what are ways you might connect more with nature, spirit, and/or the universe to receive nourishment?

Pick 1 or 2 from this list to do in the next week.

Find Your Tribe: Who feels good to be around? This includes who you connect with/follow on social media, who you listen to, read, or watch. Get discriminating. Add your light to the light of the people that feel good to be around.

Giving & Receiving: Is it easier for you to give or receive? Can you practice doing the one that’s not as easy for you to do?

News Fast: Take a week off from the news and/or social media. Reassess what your intake is–do you need to make changes to your media diet?

Flower Essences for Nourishing Yourself:
Here are some specific flower essence suggestions to support you with our theme:

Agrimony for needing to stay busy–eating, drinking, partying, don’t like to be alone
Centaury for finding it hard to say no and put yourself first
Chestnut Bud to help you change repeating negative patterns
Star of Bethlehem to realign your soul/heart/mind/body
Vervain for having too much to do and pushing yourself too much (and possibly not being able to sleep because of it)
Willow for feeling resentful that you don’t have time for yourself

Here’s an expanded FAQs on how to take flower essences, where to purchase, and more:
Info on Flower Essences

These are all options for integrating the Soul Healing. Pick 1 or 2, there’s no right or wrong way. Have fun!

Featured in Oprah Magazine

Burned out by an all-consuming job, Deborah Flanagan found balance and peace through the healing arts — and now she's helping others do the same.

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