Who is Kuan Yin: The Goddess of Compassion?

Woman lying on sofa reading laptop

What is Kuan Yin Known For?

Kuan Yin is a shortened name that means “One Who Sees and Hears the Cries of the World.” She made an unconditional vow to serve humanity–if anyone calls her in an emergency, she will come. She shines her light on those who need it most.

Kuan Yin Legends

There are many amazing legends demonstrating Kuan Yin’s miraculous acts of compassion. For example, there’s an ancient story about a fisherman who was caught in a violent storm, which capsized his boat. He cried for Kuan Yin for help and later awoke on the shore: Kuan Yin had saved his life.

ancient story of Kuan Yin saving the fisherman from drowning

What is a Bodhisattva?

A Bodhisattva is someone who seeks awakening and is on the enlightenment path to become a Buddha. Kuan Yin made a very special vow to stay a Bodhisattva and not become a Buddha until all sentient beings attained enlightenment.

Kuan Yin & The Thousand Arms

Kuan Yin is often depicted as having 1,000 hands and 1,000 eyes. The number 1,000 in Eastern traditions means unlimited, and in this way, demonstrates her unlimited capacity and commitment to serve all those who call upon her, regardless of their faith. Kuan Yin helps anyone who calls her, in thousands and thousands of different ways.

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Significance & Cultural Impact of Kuan Yin

statue of Guan Yin


Kuan Yin represents a caring mother for all people and there are many statues and temples throughout Asia honoring her. Many people also have statues of Kuan Yin in their homes and/or commit to chanting her sacred mantra daily for healing and protection.

Kuan Yin’s Sacred Mantra

Kuan Yin

Kuan Yin is associated with a special 88-line mantra called the Greatest Compassion Mantra, or the Da Bei Zhou. It includes the names of the 88 Buddhas who work with her and support her. (Here are some beautiful depictions of the 88 Buddhas.) She learned this sacred mantra from her teacher Qian Guang Jing Wan, whose name means “1,000 Light Quietness King.”

Kuan Yin’s frequency comes through this powerful mantra, and it’s a powerful way to connect to her Divine field of light, love, and compassion. Through this mantra we can transform and release our own negative information or blockages interfering with connecting to our highest self, or our own soul’s wisdom.

The Power of Chanting the Da Bei Zhou Great Compassion Mantra

Kuan Yin Quantum Healing

Many people all over the world have made a comitment to chant the Da Bei Zhou daily. The power and significance of chanting this ancient and sacred mantra includes:

  • Deepens your connection to Kuan Yin and increases your compassion for yourself and others
  • Awakens you to your higher purpose
  • Increases your willpower so you can help othersOpens your heart so you can better realize the interconnection of all of us on Mother Earth
  • Helps you apply greater kindness in-action to co-create a more harmonious world
  • Balances key energy centers in the body which helps transform sickness & boosts longevity

How Kuan Yin Helps With Self-Love & Physical Health

Kuan Yin Quantum Healing transforming self love issuesEmbracing the energy of Kuan Yin can help with issues of self-love and self-compassion.

Scientific studies have also found that compassion has profound impacts on our brain, nervous system, and heart health:

“What research has shown is that when we are either thinking about kind acts or witnessing kind acts or engaging in acts of kindness to other people, there are several biochemical changes that happen in our brain,” says Dr. Bhawani Ballamudi, SSM Health child psychiatrist.

“One of the most important things that happens is that it releases oxytocin, a neurotransmitter that’s been studied pretty widely. The most important thing is that it promotes a sense of bonding.”

By embodying more compassion, you’re not only transforming your own health, but you’re also stepping into greater kindness in action with your relationships.

Cultivating compassion with yourself helps you be more resilent in helping others while avoiding burnout. This enables you to be an active participant in co-creating a world that flourishes in mutual respect and harmony.

What is Kuan Yin Quantum Healing?

Kuan Yin blessings are a quantum field treatment to release negative information at the deepest level, or root cause at the level of the soul.

Kuan Yin Blessings are similar to Tao Hands healing and are many times more powerful. Both carry a high vibration and create a positive field of soul, energy, and matter, which can be used to transform all aspects of life.

A metaphor to describe the difference and the amplified spiritual healing power of Kuan Yin blessings is to imagine one hand from the Source (this is the power of a Tao Hands blessing) versus 1,000 or unlimited hands from the Source (this is the power of a Kuan Yin blessing).

Additional Resources About Kuan Yin

Who is Guan Yin?

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