Spring Cleaning Tips for True Health & Balance

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Spring cleaning tips for true health

Self-Care Spring Cleaning Tips

As the warmer weather approaches and we shed our winter layers, it’s time to get excited about Spring Cleaning! Spring signifies the rebirth and renewal of nature, as well as an end to those slush puddles. While Spring Cleaning is often thought of as dusting your living space and scrubbing your fridge, we can reframe our expectations of this wonderful time of year.

Read below to discover simple spring cleaning tips for true health & balance.

Declutter, Organize, & Donate

Not only will getting rid of clutter in your closet and pantry renew your energy, it’s a great way to give back. Take a look at your closet – anything (gently used, of course) that you haven’t worn in the past year is fair game to donate. In your pantry, restock your shelves with kitchen staples, and stop by your local soup kitchen to donate any unexpired goods.

Reevaluate Your Goals

How have you been doing on your New Years Resolutions? Spring is a great time to revisit the commitments you made on January 1st. Grab a buddy and take that class, start that job hunt, or plan that trip you’ve been wanting to take. Make a mental note of the things that may have gotten in the way these past few months and get started!

If you’re having trouble overcoming a bad habit, letting go of a fear, or making a big life change, hypnosis can help.

Take Care of Your Body

Winter is the time for big sweaters, sweatpants, and blankets. Not only is fresh produce harder to come by in the winter, but the weather makes it harder for us to want to get up and out. Renew your energy by stocking your fridge with fresh, whole foods and getting outside to enjoy the warmer weather. Take the dog for a walk, do yoga in the park, or just read a book under a shady tree.

Open the Windows

There’s nothing worse than a stuffy, dry living space. Open your windows and let the fresh spring air reinvigorate your senses. Grab some fresh flowers from outside and bring the season in.

Get a Reiki, Hypnosis or Tao Hands Session

Spring is a great time to get centered. Schedule a session or join a Soul Healing Virtual Event no matter where you live in the world to invigorate your mental energy, stimulate your body’s natural ability to heal, balance your emotions, and transition into this new season.

Take Your Time

Finally, be gentle with yourself and allow yourself the space to enjoy this transformative time of year. Surround yourself with positive people, experiences, and goals to boost your creative energy.

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