Does Hypnosis Work? Yes, Don’t Be Mislead By These 2 Signs.

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Are you new to Hypnosis or want to learn more about it? Not sure how to know if Hypnosis works on you? You’ll discover what Hypnosis is and how it works, how virtual Hypnosis is similar or different to in-person sessions, what to expect during and after your sessions (including 2 signs to be aware of), the kinds of issues Hypnosis can help with, and personal feedback from people who found Hypnosis helpful with specific challenges.

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a state of focus, and quieting or softening, of the analytical or conscious mind. This allows you to more easily access your intuition and your unconscious mind, where your deeply held beliefs, habits, and behaviors are stored, to more easily make positive changes. (Does Hypnosis work? Yes, read more about how it works here.)

What is Virtual Hypnosis?

There’s no discernable difference between the effectiveness of in-person and online Hypnosis sessions. Zoom (phone, Skype, etc.) is used for the session, and instead of an office setting you are able to lie down comfortably and experience Hypnosis and relax in your own home (Bonus: take a nap after for deeper integration).

What to Expect: Don’t Be Misled By These 2 Signs

Occasionally, I hear 2 main concerns after a client’s first Hypnosis session. Interestingly, these concerns are opposite from one another. Here’s how to know if Hypnosis works on you:

Sometimes a client will say, “I feel really relaxed and peaceful, but I’m not sure the Hypnosis worked because I could hear everything you said during the trance.”

Other times a client will say, “I feel really relaxed and peaceful, but I’m not sure the Hypnosis worked because I don’t remember anything you said during the trance.”

Curious, right? So which client was Hypnotized?

Don’t be misled by theses 2 signs.

So which client was Hypnotized?
Both clients.

When you’re in a state of Hypnosis and you hear every word the Hypnotist says, it means your conscious mind is paying close attention.

Alternately, when you don’t remember anything the practitioner said during the trance, it means your conscious mind drifted off.

Either way is best because with Hypnosis I’m not speaking to the conscious mind anyway, I’m speaking to your unconscious mind.

So whether your conscious mind is listening closely to every word, or drifting comfortably off, the trance state (or state of Hypnosis) usually feels quite relaxing and not dissimilar to the in-between state of wake and sleep, or the peaceful feeling during a Reiki or massage.

The unconscious mind is 90-95% of the brain, and it’s where your deeply held beliefs, patterns, and behaviors are stored. Hypnosis helps you access this part of the mind to connect to your intuition and inner wisdom to make positive changes.

Get Started

How To Know If Hypnosis Works On You?

Try it. While everyone changes differently 3-6 sessions is average and you should notice discernible changes in the issue you want to change after your first session.

Additional things to notice during your online Hypnosis session include physical and mental changes, a distortion in time, quieting of mental chatter and overthinking, deep relaxation, and an enhancement in intuition. Here are 10 ways to know if you’re in a trance. 

What Issues Can Hypnosis Help With?

Hypnosis can help with a wide range of issues including: stress relief, anxiety and depression, confidence and self esteem, insomnia, fertility/childbirth, pain relief, smoking/vaping, phobias, weight loss, and public speaking and stage fright.


Client Feedback

Here’s what clients say about their experience with Hypnosis:

For Stress Relief:
I know a lot of people out there are skeptical about Hypnosis or Hypnotherapy. I was one of them too before I met Deborah. (By the way, I did a lot of research before making the final decision to see her.) I’ve had three sessions with Deborah so far. First two sessions, Hypnosis helped me feel relaxed and calm emotionally. I could never imagine myself being so relaxed and peaceful, especially in the middle of Manhattan. No way! —

For Writer’s Block:

A terrific session with Deborah, who’s friendly, powerful, generous.  I am dealing with issues of grief, but also a touch of writer’s block…something I consider part of the process, but I figured Hypnosis might push through my hesitancy.  The next day I zoomed through the problematic part of what I was writing and am rolling on!  Unbelievable, except I’ve had incredible results with Deborah before.
–Katherine V.

For Depression & Relationship Issues
I cannot express how amazing Deborah is and how drastically my life & outlook has changed for the better since my first sessions. Seven months ago, I went to see her while I was in a horrible state of depression as I was re-adjusting back to my hometown of NYC after leaving a draining job but much more comfortable lifestyle in the Middle East, and rekindling a negative past relationship at the same time. Within 45 minutes of my first session, I let go of lots of negative feelings from my past & present and felt so much happiness!
–Sarah C.

Get Started

For Weight Loss & Emotional Eating:
Many people think hypnosis is an odd thing to do. That it won’t work for them.  I encourage you to try it and have an open mind.  It just might be more amazing in Session 1 than you imagine.
My nutritionist recommended Deborah and so far I’ve lost 40 pounds.  I’m very pleased and am down a size.  I’m throwing my old clothes away because I’m convinced the changes are permanent.

I also actually enjoy our sessions a lot.  I go into deep relaxation in a minute or two.  Deborah has given me Self-Hypnosis exercises I do at home that help me relax, resist eating, and give me peace of mind. Before I tried Hypnosis I thought I wouldn’t be a good subject.  But I was wrong and would encourage you to give it a shot, whatever you are trying to achieve. –J.S.

For Anxiety Relief:
I struggled with an anxiety disorder for at least a decade. I had tried a lot to improve it — diet, exercise, meditation, lowering stressors in my life — but was unwilling to turn to medication as a full-time answer. A friend had visited Deborah for her anxiety, so I decided it was worth a try.

The session felt very relaxing and enjoyable. Deborah taught me how to continue with Self-Hypnosis as needed. I felt much more relaxed after my session, and the anxiety symptoms didn’t return until a week later. I did the Self-Hypnosis and they were gone almost right away. They returned less intensely a few times after that, and each time I did the Self-Hypnosis. Now it’s been almost a year and those symptoms are (knock on wood) entirely gone. I had no idea it would work so quickly and efficiently!

Deborah said I was teaching my brain to channel anxiety in a different way, and even that visual helped me to re-imagine my experiences of fear and worry. I 100% recommend Deborah, and suggest being completely open and trusting of what she’s saying. I don’t think it would work as well without trust in yourself and in her method. –M. K.

Get Started

Curious to know more? Here are the three biggest misconceptions about Hypnosis. 

Need support?

I work with high-achieving women all over the world through my virtual one-on-one Soul-Powered Breakthrough Program and we’ll use Hypnosis as part of my intuitive, multidisciplinary approach.

If you’re ready to STOP feeling stressed and anxious, and finally move your life forward, tap here to get started.

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Burned out by an all-consuming job, Deborah Flanagan found balance and peace through the healing arts — and now she's helping others do the same.

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