3 Books to Help You Find True Health & Balance

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3 Books to Find True Health & Balance

Wellness Book Recommendations

Fall is a nice time to snuggle up with a good book (ideally with a fire in the fireplace and a cup of tea!) and I’ve been reading a lot lately. Read on for my top 3 picks for books to help you find true health and balance.

1. May Cause Miracles: A 40-Day Guidebook of Subtle Shifts for Radical Change and Unlimited Happiness
by Gabrielle Bernstein

Gabby Bernstein believes that simple, consistent shifts in your thinking and actions can lead to the miraculous in your relationships, finances, body, and self-image. She offers a straight-forward plan to release fear and allow gratitude, forgiveness, and love to flow through you. Gabby makes change manageable, giving bite-sized exercises to do each morning and evening. I loved how the daily exercises built on each other over the course of 40 days, making transformation sustainable (and enjoyable!).

2. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing
by Marie Kondo

This guide to decluttering your home from Japanese cleaning consultant Marie Kondo takes you step-by-step through her revolutionary method. The key is to determine which items in your house “spark joy” (and which don’t). This book will help you clear your clutter and enjoy a calm mind, improve your ability to make good decisions, and  be surrounded by things you love. I found this to be a powerful and simple way to process my past and the things that keep me from living in the here and now.  This book is a way to reset your life, and gently let go of things you no longer need, creating a comfortable environment where you can relax (vs. having your home be a storage shed!). By putting your house in order (literally and figuratively), you’ll restore balance among you, your possessions, and your home.

3. The Inner Heart of Reiki: Rediscovering Your True Self
by Frans Stiene
This book is a wonderful companion for the Reiki student and/or teacher who wants to dive deeper into their daily practice and expand their energetic understanding of Reiki. It’s a clear and concise guide to help you integrate the various components of the system of Reiki–the precepts, meditations, symbols/mantras, and hands-on-healing–into your sessions, classes, and most importantly, your life.

Frans Stiene, often referred to as “the Reiki Teacher’s Teacher,” takes his extensive research and grounded personal understanding and practice, and outlines a path of practice you can follow in his gentle, compassionate, and often humorous way. I found this book quite breathtaking. Breathtaking is the perfect word–this book reminds you to connect to your breath and your True Self while reading it. The book was truly wonderful, and something I’ll reread and refer to often as I expand my personal understanding of Reiki.

Bonus: The 5-Minute Journal
I wrote a past post about this but think it bears repeating. I loved hearing feedback from many people who are finding the 5-Minute Journal helpful: you can read more here about an easy way to let go of negative thinking and feel more positive in under 5 minutes a day. I’m so enjoying how it anchors the start and end of my day.

P.S. Want more recommendations? Here’s a previous post with 3 more books!

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