What if you could embody calm confidence without having to fight against anxiety or self-doubt?

You’re closer than you think…

I truly believe it’s women like you who are shaping a new kind of leadership in traditionally male-dominated fields.

One that embraces both the analytical mind and the strength of your intuition, which allows you to go beyond just pushing through and trying to force things to happen.

woman using hypnosis to overcome fear of public speaking

Over the years, I’ve worked with thousands of successful women in law, tech, medicine, finance, and media, and over and over I receive the same intuitive message:

“This woman has the potential to lead in a whole new way and pioneer new paradigms of working.”

This is you! And I’m so excited to support you in achieving success in a way that feels better than you ever imagined.

“I’m ready to get started!”


If you’re feeling inspired to embrace your Inner Goddess Mindset then watch this video:

Soul-Powered Breakthrough Program Details:


WHO is this for:

High-achieving women like you who are ready to take your career to the next level and release what’s been keeping you stressed and stuck.


My Soul-Powered Breakthrough Program is two, 90-minute sessions. 

Using my multidisciplinary approach of quantum healing, Reiki, and Hypnosis, we’ll get to the heart of what’s stressing you out so that you can be your absolute best—feeling lighter and freer.

This is a 2-step journey designed to help you experience both immediate results and lasting change.

By the end of it, we’ll prioritize the #1 thing you need to do to move forward.

“I’m ready!”

Why 2 Sessions?

I used to offer one-off sessions, but I found that clients who returned for a second session 99% of the time saw much more powerful results.

The 2nd session really helps reinforce the changes, troubleshoot anything that comes up, and ensure that the shifts you’re making are lasting.

So that’s why I created this 2-step journey of two 90-minute sessions.

The truth is, in my experience, everyone changes differently.
  • For some women, it’s about repetition: You keep doing it until it sticks.
  • For others it’s about intensity: You can process the positive changes you’re making quickly. You hit that reset button and now it just works.
  • For others it’s about gentleness: You’re releasing emotions you’ve been carrying for years, weighing you down and holding you back. Gradually addressing your feelings makes it sustainable and manageable so you don’t get overwhelmed.
  • For others it’s an ongoing relationship: You want ongoing support or need a boost to help you stay on track or navigate life’s challenges with me as your supportive guide.

So if two meetings is all we need, wonderful, and if we both see that there’s value in continuing to work together, of course, that’s an option. 

My goal is to give you the most effective process in the most efficient use of your time.

Here are the program details:

“I’m ready for my breakthrough!”


The online booking option reflects my most up-to-date availability.

  • We start with a plan of two, 90-minute sessions.
  • Ideally, the second meeting typically occurs 5 to 15 days later. However, this is flexible to you, so we can adjust this timeline if we need to–you can schedule up to 30 days out.
  • And as I mentioned, you have the option to continue onwards after this on an hour by hour basis as needed.


We’ll meet privately through online video conference using Zoom, which is ideal to help you anchor the changes you’re making in the comfort of your own environment.

(I love that you get to bring the healing vibes to your home!)


Because there’s no benefit to living with the unnecessary stress, anxiety, self-doubt, or overwhelm that’s been keeping you stuck in your career and the rest of your life!


Option 1: Tap this button below to purchase and schedule your Soul-Powered Breakthrough Program today.

“I’m ready to get started!”

Option 2: Sometimes people have questions: you can book your free 15-minute Discovery call here.

Scroll To Discover How My Soul-Powered Method Changed the Lives of These High-Achieving Women

I have been repeatedly amazed by the results, especially for someone with a very analytical (and sometimes critical) mind. At this point, I’ve had many virtual sessions with Deborah and am blown away both by the personal results I am seeing and by her kindness, enthusiasm, skill, and acceptance.

She is able to personalize each session perfectly by taking careful and compassionate consideration of whatever you’re going through. Highly, highly recommend!

Brooke T.

Purchased the breakthrough program for my adult daughter for her sleep issues. The results dramatically exceeded our expectations–after only one session my daughter reported improved quality of sleep, and to my surprise, a path to repair a long-term dysfunctional relationship with a close family member that most likely was a factor in her sleep issues. She experienced more immediate benefits in one session with Deborah than 15 years of sporadic sessions with psychologists, analysts and counselors.

My daughter has since purchased additional sessions on her own to continue her progress she describes as LIFE CHANGING. Congratulations to Deborah for providing a path to help people like my daughter take control over their quality of life.

Hal R.

It’s been four days, and my chronic neck pain that I’ve had for 10 weeks is significantly better – in a way my chiropractor couldn’t help.

I’ve done Reiki a couple of times before but never felt a huge difference. With Deborah, it was different. She asked questions to understand my needs and concerns. She was positive and warm, and made me feel very comfortable. I experienced a powerful Tao Hands blessing as part of our work together. Afterwards, I felt relaxed–it was clear that the sessions truly worked although it wasn’t done in person, which I was a little nervous about at first. I’m really glad I made this investment in my healing.


Life changing are the two words that come to mind when I think of Deborah Flanagan and the Center for True Health. I was a smoker for 30 years. What struck me most about Deborah was her calm and positive energy. After 90 minutes of life-affirming, confidence-building, and soul-healing experiences, I felt rested and light as air. I am proud to say that I haven’t smoked since that session.

My first three days were difficult as the nicotine left my body but Deborah gives you self-hypnosis techniques that help get through the cravings. Interestingly, I no longer think of myself as a smoker. It doesn’t even occur to me to have a cigarette. Even during stress, I rely upon my self-hypnosis tool kit to get pass those moments. I have returned for my second session and about to schedule my third. I’ve happily recommended Deborah to many family, friends and co-workers. I knew I had to spread the word so others can benefit from her incredible skill, energy and influence. if I can do it, anyone can!

Christine E.

I wanted to let you know that my big presentation went incredibly well. More importantly, I was able to manage my anxiety throughout the day, leading up to the moment I needed to present. In particular, you asked for my subconscious mind to choose a specific way to make me successful in the situation. What came to mind was to “choose confidence,” regardless of how I was feeling in advance of the meeting.

This became a bit of a mantra for me throughout the day – and is something I suspect will stick with me for some time. I also had fun reminding myself to leave my inner critic tucked into bed at home. The tools from our sessions helped me ride along with any anxiety, accept it, and keep it at a manageable level. Thank you.


Within the first few minutes of my first session with Deborah, I knew she was different. Afterwards, I was left me with a sense of calm and support, and a renewed sense of positivity and hope.

Not only is Deborah an effective healer, her experience and intuitive wisdom permeates any time spent with her. She offers customized healing & advice based on my needs, and her vast knowledge allows her to pick and choose the techniques that feels right for each client. As I continue on my own healing journey, I feel empowered just by the knowledge that Deborah is out there anytime I feel the need. I couldn’t recommend her more.


I can’t say enough about Deborah, she is so gifted, and through all her methods of healing so much has been uncovered, shed, and rebalanced for me. I so needed this work especially at this time with so much going on around us collectively, as well during Covid, and I am so grateful!

I have been going to Deborah in person for a while now and had my first virtual Reiki and Hypnosis session this week. I didn’t know what to expect, and thought it wouldn’t be the same online, but it was, and in some ways it offered extra benefits! After the incredible session, since I was already comfortably at home and didn’t have to go back to the office, I could rest and absorb the healing that took place. I am so looking forward to my next appointment–online of course!

E. Z.

I’ve worked with Deborah for several years and it’s beeen potent and powerful.

I love her multidisciplinary approach and I feel deep shifts in my body and energy after each time we meet. Deborah is very attentive and calming, and gives so much helpful information as well as different flower essences to work with. The virtual sessions are so nice because I can rest on my bed after the sessions!

Yaz Q.



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