The Alchemy of Anger: Harness Your Inner Fire

Woman sitting on bed with laptop

Benefits of this Soul Healing Recording:

woman using hypnosis to release anger and feel empowered

  • Address the positive intention of your anger
  • Strengthen emotional resilience
  • Cultivate harmonious relationships
  • Transform frustration, resentment, & anger
  • Feel more empowered

Time Stamps for the Recording:

[Time Stamp: 9:18 Energy Healing Exercises]
[Time Stamp:  14:29 Sitali Breathing Technique]
[Time Stamp:  23:14 Intention Setting]
[Time Stamp:  21:00 Deep Soul Healing]

Remember you can listen again (and again) to the recording to receive deeper benefits. Like anything else, you get better at Hypnosis with practice. Enjoy!

Bonus Soulwork

Self-Healing Technique:

Sitali Breath Technique Handout


Write an angry letter: Vent your frustrations in an empowering way. Express your thoughts towards someone or something that makes you angry. Pour it all out onto paper, but don’t send it. Allow yourself several days, or even longer, to sit with your words. When you’re ready, read the letter out loud as a cathartic release. Safely burn it or tear it into tiny pieces, symbolizing the release of your anger.

Journal Prompt: Uncover Anger’s Root

EFT (Tapping):

Tap along with me to release frustration.

Additional Reading:

A Lesson in Anger: I love this story.

Guide Your Fire: Tips on how to harness anger and put it to good use.

Guided Meditation:

Ground the Flames: A 3-minute guided meditation to calm intense feelings.

Book Recommendations:

Anger by Thich Nhat Hanh

Greatest Forgiveness by Dr. & Master Sha
I have 3 copies of this powerful little book to give away. Email me with your mailing address and I’ll send it to the first 3 people!

Flower Essences for Frustration:

Here are some specific flower essence suggestions to support you with our theme:

Holly for anger, jealousy, and frustration

Beech for intolerance and feeling irritable

Willow for resentment, feeling victimized, “why is this happening to me?”

Impatiens for being impatient

Cherry Plum for fear of losing control

Here’s an expanded FAQs on how to take flower essences, where to purchase, and more:
Info on Flower Essences


These are all options for integrating the Soul Healing. Pick 1 or 2, there’s no right or wrong way. Have fun!

Featured in Oprah Magazine

Burned out by an all-consuming job, Deborah Flanagan found balance and peace through the healing arts — and now she's helping others do the same.

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