Finding True Love: Transform Relationships & Cultivate Self-Love

Woman sitting on bed with laptop

The focus of this Soul Healing Recording is to help you if you want to:

  • Cultivate self-love
  • Transform existing relationships
  • Heal unhealthy relationship patterns
  • Be more compassionate toward yourself & others
  • Feel better in your body
  • Want an affordable self-care option you can listen to again and again

Potential Benefits to Look For & Notice:

  • Feel more loving toward yourself & others
  • Attract a true love relationship
  • Be more confident and connected to who you are
  • Be more balanced in your emotions
  • Connect to your intuition & your own soul’s wisdom
  • Align with Source or Divine Love

Time Stamps for the Recording:

[Time Stamp: Mini-Movement Exercise Snack 8:00]
[Time Stamp: Intention Setting 13:10]
[Time Stamp: Self-Healing Technique 15:40]
[Time Stamp: Deep Soul Healing 24:40]

Bonus Soulwork:

Journal Prompts, Experiments, & Meditative Reflections:

Journal prompt:
What qualities are most important to you in a true love relationship?
How can you bring more of these qualities into your relationship with yourself?

Love List:
Make a list of the people you love. Then get specific. Write down things you appreciate or are grateful for about each one.
Extra Credit: Keep adding the list daily or weekly.
Extra Extra Credit: Do this with people you find challenging.
You can share what you love with the person or keep it private.

Take a bath
Extra credit: add a gallon of whole milk to the bathwater or use bath salts). Or create a luxurious foot bath and massage your feet afterwards with lotion or massage oil.

Embrace the Danish concept of hygge (“a quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well”). Use candles, twinkle lights, comfy socks, soft throws, warm sweaters, hot drinks–basically anything that makes you feel cozy and cared for.

Check out this book, The Little Book of Hygge, by Meik Wiking.

Get fresh flowers and delight in them!

Self-Healing Technique:
How to do the Heart-Breathing Technique

Flower Essences for Love:
Here are some specific flower essence suggestions to support you with our theme:

Gentian for feeling negative after a break up or relationship set back
Rescue Remedy to alleviate sadness/grief related to relationships, impatience to find a partner or get over a break up, and release deep relationship fears
Honeysuckle for regret or feeling stuck in the past, hard to move forward after a break up or ending of any kind of relationship
Larch for confidence
Chestnut Bud to release negative relationship patterns
Mimulus for fear of commitment, or that you’ll never find someone

Here’s an expanded FAQs on how to take flower essences, where to purchase, and more:
Info on Flower Essences

These are all options for integrating the Soul Healing. Pick 1 or 2, there’s no right or wrong way. Have fun!

Featured in Oprah Magazine

Burned out by an all-consuming job, Deborah Flanagan found balance and peace through the healing arts — and now she's helping others do the same.

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