Be Bright: Shine & Align With Your True Self

Woman sitting on bed with laptop

The focus of this Soul Healing Recording is to help you if you:


Soul Healing Recording

  • Are dealing with stress or major life changes
  • Want to feel rejuvenated and at your best
  • Hold limiting beliefs or negative mindsets about yourself
  • Deal with self-doubt or insecurity
  • Feel guilt or shame
  • Suffer from imposter syndrome
  • Are judgmental or are hard on yourself
  • Have habits or behaviors you know hold you back
  • Want an affordable self-care option you can listen to again

Potential Benefits to Look For & Notice:


  • Brighter and lighter
  • Confidently connected to your unique talents & abilities
  • A greater sense of clarity & insight
  • Energized & inspired to take action
  • Able to release habits & behaviors that no longer serve you
  • An all-around more positive mindset
  • Connected to your soul’s wisdom

Time Stamps for the Recording:

[Time Stamp 8:22 Mini-Movement Exercise Snack]
[Time Stamp 13:20  Purifying Breath Technique]
[Time Stamp 19:47 Intention Setting]
[Time Stamp 22:00 Deep Soul Healing]

Bonus Soulwork


Purifying Breath Handout

Journal Prompt, Musings, & Other Explorations:

Get Creative: How can you connect with your creative self? What kinds of activities help you feel brighter? Dance, paint, write, sing, redecorate, arrange flowers, listen to inspiring music, play with your dog…. Pick the audience that best supports you–your best friend, your pet, your favorite planet, your ancestors. Tune into the spirit of your dream. Laugh and have fun!

Journal: I’ve mentioned this before, but The Artist’s Way is a favorite classic with 6 weeks guiding you to connect with your creative self. There are tons of journal prompts but this book is so much more. Highly recommend!

Look Fabulous: What colors, textures of fabric, accessories, nail polish, shoes, etc. help you feel bright? Color plays such an important part in our mood. Pay attention to the colors you’re drawn to or wear frequently–what works, what’s ready to transform? Play with this and feel beautiful.

Find Your Tribe: Who feels good to be around? Where can you be comfortably you?  (This includes who you connect with/follow on social media, who you listen to, read, or watch.) Get discriminating. Add your light to the light of the people that feel good to be around.

Flower Essences for Shining Bright:
Here are some specific flower essence suggestions to support you with our theme:

Star of Bethlehem to realign your soul/heart/mind/body
for being hard on yourself
Larch for confidence
Wild Oat to connect to your purpose
Wild Rose for motivation
Clematis to help you ground big dreams or goals into action

Here’s an expanded FAQs on how to take flower essences, where to purchase, and more:
Info on Flower Essences

These are all options for integrating the Soul Healing. Pick 1 or 2, there’s no right or wrong way. Have fun!

Featured in Oprah Magazine

Burned out by an all-consuming job, Deborah Flanagan found balance and peace through the healing arts — and now she's helping others do the same.

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