You’re a high achieving woman…
but something’s still missing.

I’m guessing that you found me because you’ve been weighed down and overwhelmed, maybe with work or life. Believe me, I get it…


If you’re ready to stop feeling stressed and anxious,
and finally move your life forward then this video is for you:


Whether you’re…

  • Still second-guessing yourself, despite all your achievements…
  • Unable to switch “work mode” off when you get home to your “regular life”…
  • Or feeling like you’re holding yourself back from stepping into the next level of your life and career…

You don’t have to navigate these challenges alone. In fact, having the support of a guide will help you make the changes you’ve been wanting faster and easier.

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You know that moment when you realize SOMETHING has to change?

One of the biggest problems that high achieving women like you run into when you’re struggling with stress and anxiety is that tendency to try and power through it…


Do you find yourself thinking:

“If I just force myself to just push through it, I can get to the other side…”

This works in the professional world. Sort of. 

That’s why you’ve gotten to where you are in your career.

However, when it comes to what you’re feeling on the inside…

pretending that everything’s fine just makes those negative thoughts louder, and that pressure in your chest heavier, which ultimately makes you feel more stuck.

So you never really get to the ROOT of the problem, which keeps it coming back.

And to be honest, you’re doing that from a position of challenge and weakness.

 “Ok, so how do I fix this?”

I’m glad you asked!

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What if you could embody calm confidence
without having to fight against anxiety or self-doubt?


Using my Soul-Powered Method you’ll be able to:

  • Tap into that best part of yourself so that you can make the changes you’ve been wanting from that deeper place that feels effortlessly right.
  • Banish old negative thoughts and feelings so that you can get unstuck and move forward feeling calm and empowered, no matter the situation.
  • Align with your Inner Goddess Mindset so that you can overcome the mental maze of self-doubt and overthinking, trusting your gut and confidently making the right decisions with ease.
  • Dissolve anxiety and overwhelm, so that you feel lighter and freer as you take the lead and get the recognition you deserve.

Which ultimately empowers you to reignite your career and your life with renewed energy and inspired direction.

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Scroll To Discover How My Soul-Powered Method Changed the Lives of These High-Achieving Women

One of the most incredible experiences – Deborah has had such a profound impact on my well being – I’d recommend her to anyone. I worked with her on a specific phobia that was embarrassingly prohibiting me from certain things in life. With her help, not only am I over my phobia, but she also helped me with a much smaller fear of flying.

The other wonderful side effect from our work together is that I feel generally relaxed and calm – I haven’t experienced the feelings of anxiety or stress in the same way since seeing her. I cannot recommend her enough!


Deborah’s intuitive discoveries and responses are spot-on. There is really a soul-restoring quality to her sessions, and doing it virtually has a startlingly deep effect.

I have checked in with Deborah over the years, and the experience is always one of profound healing, but also I take away a sense of how to continue to find relief as I move forward. She makes the sessions fun, and her never-judgmental personality and ease is such a comfort. I especially like that she knows how to have a client rest in whatever place she or he happens to be, rather than talk someone toward a “better” attitude. Highly recommend.

Katherine V.

I wanted to let you know the breakthrough program was so meaningful, helping me overcome my fear of public speaking! When I had to speak, everything flowed effortlessly. People came up afterwards and told me I absolutely nailed the speech.

With your help, my wedding weekend went splendidly! I was able to nail my speech and truly savor every moment with minimal anxiety or worry.


I had some profound insights during my breakthrough program as to why I binge. After my session, I received disappointing news so I opened the fridge and for the first time ever closed it: I didn’t feel like eating.

I read instead. It was really weird. As a comparison, I quit smoking 10 years ago and I don’t pass up a cigarette with that kind of ease. Our sessions have already proven to have a tremendous impact.

Jane S.

I’m feeling more aligned, peaceful, and happier than I’ve been in months. After every session I feel stronger, have better boundaries, and am able to communicate in effective ways. I have more clarity and compassion while cultivating self-respect and self-love.

We do virtual sessions via Zoom and they are extremely powerful. I love being able to process our work together in the comfort of my own home.


I instantly noticed a lift in my self-esteem, which is what I was dealing with, along with some trauma.

As time passed and I was starting to feel down, I did two more virtual sessions and have never felt better. I had never had hypnosis before and did not know what to expect. And honestly the virtual sessions may have been even more powerful than in-person. Deborah takes the time to learn about what you are dealing with. Then, she provides you tools and healthy ways of working through.


I first came to Deborah about 4 years ago after failing my board certification exam, desperate to regain the confidence I needed to go back and take the exam a second time.
I was able to reframe my mindset and find faith in my own abilities. My time with her was invaluable, and an essential part of my eventual success.

I still work with Deborah from time to time whenever I feel I need to do some deeper work to resolve an issue i’m having, and I always walk away with insight, motivation and inner peace. Deborah is attentive, intuitive and engaging. I highly recommend working with her!


Meet Deborah Flanagan

As a quantum healer & hypnotist with a unique intuitive approach, I’ve helped thousands of women from around the world over the past 15+ years break free and live confidently.

I created my Soul-Powered Method because I believe that by connecting with your spiritual, or best self, whatever that means to you, you’ll be able to magnify your presence, which ultimately empowers you to make a greater impact as you supercharge your career & life in the way you’ve always envisioned.

The fact that you’re still reading this means that you’re ready to say goodbye to stress and anxiety so that you can stand in the strength of your innate gifts and abilities and navigate your career and personal life with greater clarity and calm confidence. 

I look forward to connecting with you!

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