What is EFT?

What is EFT?

What is EFT?

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique, or tapping. This is one of the most powerful techniques I teach.

How Does EFT Work?

EFT involves tapping on powerful acupuncture points while repeating a phrase about whatever you want to change/clear. It’s based on the premise that every emotional upset causes an imbalance in the body. Research shows that emotional trauma and the stress that accompanies it contributes greatly to disease. EFT is able to rapidly reduce the emotional distress, allowing the body to rebalance itself and promote healing.

Over 20 clinical trials published in peer-reviewed medical and psychology journals have demonstrated EFT’s effectiveness in dealing with phobias, anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress, and pain.

How Do I Get Started?

Tap Along With Me

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EFT for fear of making mistakes

EFT for frustration

EFT for procrastination

EFT confidence boost

EFT Tips To Troubleshoot & Refine

Additional tips to help EFT work best for you

Frequently asked questions from clients about EFT

Does tapping really work? Discover the science and research behind this evidence-based approach to stress relief and healing.

Research: Reduces Stress Hormones

A milestone study in the prestigious and oldest peer-reviewed psychiatry journal, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, has found that EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) significantly reduces levels of cortisol (your major stress hormone). Cortisol regulates a cascade of other biochemicals that affect everything from your digestive system to your musculoskeletal system. The study examined 83 people who received a single session of either talk therapy or EFT, and a third group that just rested. The study found that cortisol declined 24% in the EFT group, compared to 14% in the other two groups. People in the EFT group also had much greater reductions in anxiety, depression and other psychological problems.

You can read more about the research of EFT.

Best Books About EFT

Interactive EFT Resources

  • Nick Ortner also created a Tapping Solution App
  • Tap with Brad: Brad Yates is a therapist and offers hundreds of free and paid tapping videos on YouTube for a range of issues.

Need support?

I work with high-achieving women all over the world through my virtual one-on-one Soul-Powered Breakthrough Program and we’ll use EFT as part of my intuitive, multidisciplinary approach.

If you’re ready to STOP feeling stressed and anxious, so that you can feel confident and calm, tap here to get started.

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