Congrats! Your Soul-Powered Breakthrough Awaits…

I’m so excited to work with you!
Get ready to activate your calm confidence:


Here are the details about what to expect when we meet:



Your Soul-Powered Kickoff Meeting:

Here’s what you’re going to experience in just our first session together…

  • I’ll guide you through a Discovery Process where we’ll uncover the hidden truths about why you’ve felt stuck so that you can start clearing those root causes that have been standing in your way 
  • We’ll magnify and amplify your gifts and abilities so that you begin this process from a place of strength.
  • You’ll experience several small, quick wins so that you feel hopeful and confident to make those changes you’ve been wanting for quite some time.

Your Inner Goddess Mindset Meeting:

Here’s what you’ll experience the second time we meet:

  • By aligning with your spiritual self, or that best part of you, we’ll begin to clear negative thoughts, emotions, & ​past experiences that have kept you feeling stuck.
  • I’ll teach you powerful self-hypnosis strategies that you can do in the moment to take back control of your thinking or behavior whenever you need a powerful reset.
  • We’ll figure out what you need moving forward, and if you like, make a customized treatment plan.

My goal is to give you a quick win as we roadmap your journey forward.

By the end of our 2nd meeting, we’ll prioritize the #1 thing you need to do to move forward so you’ll feel empowered to take your career and your life to the next level.

A Unique & Potent Experience

I’ve created something truly special by integrating all my healing tools to give you a unique and potent journey, customized just for you.

[Insert video]

Relax into Confidence

Using my multidisciplinary approach of Quantum Healing, Hypnosis, Reiki, and Flower Essences, we’ll get to the heart of what’s stressing you out so that you can be and feel your absolute best.

Discover more about the powerful tools we’ll use depending on your needs and preferences:

woman relaxing during an online hypnotherapy sessionQuantum Healing

  • Tao Hands is a quantum healing technique that works at the soul level so that we can transform any aspect of life, including career, life purpose, relationships, health, confidence, and self-love.
  • This is the most powerful tool I use so that we can directly address the root cause and get you into a place where you feel deeply connected and effortlessly in the flow of your life.


  • Hypnosis focuses your attention and calms your mind so that you can pay attention to what’s most important.
  • This process helps you clear away confusion, let go of old habits, and tap into your own inner guidance.
  • It’s especially helpful to stop overthinking and gain clarity so that you move forward with a renewed sense of purpose and direction. 
  • Past Life Regression is one of many Hypnosis techniques we can use depending on what you need.

Distance Reiki

  • Distance Reiki is an energy healing technique from Japan, meaning “spiritual energy.”
  • This “Ki,” or energy, exists within every living thing. Reiki is excellent for easing stress, improving sleep, and balancing emotions, so that you can feel a sense of vitality and ease.
  • Distance Reiki is a technique that allows me to offer Reiki without you being in the same room or geographic location. While we often forget this, we are all interconnected. In this way, you can receive energy healing regardless of time and space.

Flower Essences

Close up of woman’s arm taking flower essences out of a tincture bottle

  • Flower essences are a vibrational healing system offering gentle yet powerful support to help balance your emotions.
  • They are typically taken orally, and unlike essential oils or herbal medicine, have no taste or scent.
  • They are an easy way to help you dissolve anxiety, guilt, frustration, and overwhelm so that you can feel peaceful and calm no matter what’s going on. 

The best part of our work together is that you get to relax into these positive changes, shifting out of stress mode and activating your Inner Goddess Mindset so that you can feel confidently connected to your best self.

You might be surprised how easy it can be when you have a step-by-step system to easily activate the right gifts at the right time for those specific situations that you need.

Get ready to finally feel the calm confidence you deserve!

This is a process that begins with you.


Please share your name, email address, and phone number to unlock my calendar to book your Soul-Powered Breakthrough Program: