What if you could embody calm confidence without having to fight against anxiety or self-doubt?

If you’re ready to embrace your Inner Goddess Mindset then watch this video:



You know that moment when you realize SOMETHING has to change?

As a quantum healer & hypnotist with a unique intuitive approach, I’ve helped thousands of women from around the world over the past 15+ years who used to feel this way…

until they unlocked their inner knowing about what they needed to break free and live confidently…

so that going after what you want becomes so much easier. 

confident professional woman giving a big presentation with easeIt’s why I created my 4-step Soul-Powered Method because I believe that you already have everything you need within you.

Through this method you’ll be able to:

  • Approach challenges with confidence and resilience
  • Embody a sense of calm, even in the midst of chaos
  • Feel inspired to make those changes you’ve been wanting to make for quite some time

which not only helps you STOP feeling stuck…

But, more importantly, empowers you to reignite your career and your life with renewed energy and inspired direction.

Watch this video to discover what you’ll experience inside your Soul-Powered Breakthrough with me.



“I’m ready for my breakthrough!”

WHO is this for:

High-achieving women like you who are ready to take your career to the next level and release what’s been keeping you stressed and stuck.


We start with my Soul-Powered Breakthrough Program, a 2-step journey to supercharge your results by giving you an instant win, but also road map the journey so you can prioritize the #1 thing you need to do to move forward.

Using my multidisciplinary approach of quantum healing, Reiki, and Hypnosis, we’ll get to the heart of what’s stressing you out so that you can be your absolute best—feeling lighter and freer.

The reason I do this 2-step journey of two, 90-minute sessions is that everyone changes differently:

  • For some women, it’s about repetition: You keep doing it until it sticks.
  • For others it’s about intensity: You can process the positive changes you’re making quickly. You hit that reset button and now it just works.
  • For others it’s about gentleness: You’re releasing emotions you’ve been carrying for years, weighing you down and holding you back. Gradually addressing your feelings makes it sustainable and manageable so you don’t get overwhelmed.
  • For others it’s an ongoing relationship: You want ongoing support or need a boost to help you stay on track or navigate life’s challenges with me as a supportive guide.

So if two meetings is all we need, wonderful, and if we both see that there’s value in continuing to work together, of course, that’s an option.

My goal is to give you the most effective process in the most efficient use of your time.


The online booking option reflects my most up-to-date availability. Tap the button below to meet as soon as possible.

  • We start with a plan of 2 sessions.
  • The second meeting typically occurs 5 to 15 days later. However, we can adjust this timeline as needed, offering flexibility for scheduling up to 30 days out.
  • As mentioned above, you have the option to continue onwards after this.

“I’m ready to get started!”


We’ll meet privately through online video conference using Zoom, which is ideal to help you anchor the changes you’re making in the comfort of your own environment.


Because there’s no benefit to living with the unnecessary stress, anxiety, self-doubt, or overwhelm that’s been keeping you stuck in your career and the rest of your life!


Tap this button below to get started on your Soul-Powered Breakthrough Program today.

Please share your name, email address, and phone number to unlock my calendar to book your Soul-Powered Breakthrough Program: